I have finally managed to listen to it and I am completely obsessed by it.
All three albums are brilliant and definitely gives a sense of "growth" of atmosphere, no more/no less than how described in the presentation.
the way it grows freaks me out... so intense. I can sense the difference between the three projects, but I am very happy it sounds 100% the rita yet I can sense the foreign influences...
I should not talk about my own stuff, but I am very impressed/surprised how Same turned sounds in pure the rita style. I can recognize all bits used some time as some sort of distant radio transmission/disturbance, other times as spoken word and then in full blast rumbling violence... but this is really how a rework should be done, not a simple remix (or it could have been a simple split)
mania's vynil wins.
layout is just impressive and completely "the rita".
perfect images in the context.