OUT NOW: Aischrolatreia, Penchant, H.C.O.D

Started by aischrolatreia, November 18, 2013, 04:18:17 AM

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November brings a new selection of filth emerging from the NYC area.

AISCHROLATREIA – Spiral Injection/Loathsome Rift C30 $5
Miserable and claustrophobic industrial noise. Continuing the direction of "Sentient Prison", but  with increased focus on repetition and unsettling range of frequencies.

H.C.O.D- s/t C40 $5
Postmortem electronics with bright, sharpened edges, straight from the guts. 5 tracks ranging from decayed, tape-saturated murk to fierce physical abuse of a variety of electronic and acoustic tools.

PENCHANT-Hot Hoodrat C15 $5
NYC harsh noise/power electronics. Dirty and straight to the point. Features intros by INTERRACIAL SEX.

Still Available:

AISCHROLATREIA- Sentient Prison C46 $5
The first offering of madness from Aischrolatreia. Industrial noise/power electronics with a dense, oppressive atmosphere. The sound of sirens and vomit.

ARM'S LENGTH- C30+box $10 (very few copies left)
Wrecked haze of tape noise and primitive synth work, field recordings and buried vocals.
Comes in 5x7 box with 10 postcards.

Order: aischrolatreiahq (at) gmail.com

All prices before postage. Email for an exact price.

Copies soon available from:
Analog Worship (US)
Prime Ruin (US)
Malignant (US)
Lust Vessel (JP)
Terror (Lt)


Arm's Length sold out...
More HCOD tapes may be made in the future. TERROR (Lt) will have some copies of everything else shortly.
Early 2014 will bring some new works.


2nd and likely final run of HCOD s/t tapes available now after brief unavailability.

HCOD Live action this Thursday 1.16 w/ shredded nerve and others. https://www.facebook.com/events/368598189952521/

February 8th Providence w/ winter line, lace, +

New releases on Fieldwork coming mid-late February.

aischrolatreiahq (at) gmail.com