Already mentioned this one in the trade-sections' topic for Cursed Tapes, but thought this one should be mentioned here as well.
Published today:
V/A - Voyeurs of Modern DecayVoyeur:
1. A person who derives sexual pleasure from secretly observing other people, especially when such people are engaged in some sexual activity.
2. An obsessive observer of sensational or sordid subjects.A-side holds a total of fifteen minutes of fierce power electronics and destructive harsh noise delivered by Unclean, Whiteswan, and Edge Of Decay. Side B holds one 15-minute song of more controlled and even hypnotic harsh noise by Kritikal Overload.
Teaser can be heard here: Price: 6e + postage.
Side A
Unclean - Advocates of Perversion
Whiteswan - Ihmisarvon Menetys
Edge Of Decay - Genitaalirutto
Edge Of Decay - Huorille
Side B
Kritikal Overload - Manifest Kontusions ov Civilised Hypokrisy
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