Available Now
REPTILIAN SEXUAL PREDATOR - Death Tripping 2c20 box set
40-minute private live performance of RSP at Noise Hotel in Spring, TX. A connecting release with the upcoming full-length "Diary" to be released later this year on Bone Records from Houston, Texas. Exception is that this is pure live trash, no edits. Tapes, synthesizers, sheet metal, two microphones, voice, and some amplifiers. Creeping and disturbed industrial electronics akin to early spirit of industrial and power electronics. Sonic armor for psychic warfare. Two cassettes, full color artwork + inserts, comes in trim rectangular jewelry box.
entire album in digital form streaming here:
http://reptiliansexualpredator.bandcamp.com/album/death-trippingPHOENIX DIAMOND - Runikama c20
New project from Vanessa of BAST, SLAUGHTER-FETUS, REPTILIAN SEXUAL PREDATOR, FUN IN LATEX, PEIISTE, and more. More of a strict ritualistic ambient sound. "Runikama" is a meditative and enveloping experience that attempts to project healing and examination onto the heart and soul of the listener. Recorded live using keyboard and effects for ritual purposes. Pure ambient cassette bliss from this former Louisiana and current Texas resident. Cassette, full color artwork, comes in trim plastic bag.
entire album in digital form streaming here:
http://josephgates.bandcamp.com/album/phoenix-diamond-runikamaPEIISTE - Horse Wolf c20
Recently unearthed live recording of the nascent Peiiste project from an art gallery in New Orleans from 2009. This particular incarnation of the band utilized a disassembled bass guitar, several synthesizers, contact microphones, a radio, amplifiers, vocals, and a very loud PA system at the venue. Creepy and malformed harsh electronics slither across the floor for some assuredly foul vibes. One of the last times that this project was invited to play anywhere in New Orleans. Cassette in black and white j-card and norelco case.
entire album in streaming audio here:
http://josephgates.bandcamp.com/album/peiiste-horse-wolfAll Currently Available Items:
BLACK HOPE - Menstrual Hope c20
PEIISTE - Horse Wolf c20
PEIISTE - Jealous Is The Name Of God c20
REPTILIAN SEXUAL PREDATOR - Death Tripping 2c20 box set
REPTILIAN SEXUAL PREDATOR + RU-486 - Presidio Debris 2c20 box set
VARGRWULF - Live Trash c20
c20 = $8.00 postage paid USA / $14.00 postage paid worldwide
2c20 box set = $16.00 postage paid USA / $24.00 postage paid worldwide
5 c20 for $38 ppd USA / $48 ppd World
2 2c20 box sets for $28.00 postage paid USA / $36.00 world
payable to
harshhumanignorance@gmail.comdirect question to
harshhumanignorance@gmail.comdistribution in the United States of some of these items is available from the following:
Thank You.