'Night Science V' announcement & seeking advertisers

Started by cipher chris, July 30, 2014, 04:06:48 PM

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cipher chris

The content for the next issue of 'Night Science' is finalised, and the entire endeavour is being sent to print soon.  The issue features interviews and exclusive CD material from Alberich, Niellerade Fallibilisthorstar, Hal Hutchinson, Anemone Tube, Kazuma Kubota, Skin Graft and Mlehst, as well as an interview with Michael Muennich about his Fragment Factory label.

There are also reviews of about 150 titles spanning the last 3-4 years of noise/power electronics/industrial, and nine live event reviews.

As with the last issue, I am offering advertising space in a bid to off-set costs.  Each advertiser will receive their own copy as well as their dedicated advertising space (I anticipate the retail price being $16us incl. postage).

This issue will be offset printed, and is expected to be close to 200 pages in addition to the CD content spanning over 70 minutes.  The interviews are significantly longer than previous issues.  It will be printed in an edition of 500 copies and, as with previous issues, distributed as widely as possible to the four corners of the globe.

The advertising rates are as follows:

1/4 page = $35us

1/2page = $45us

Full page = $65us

Inside front cover / inside back cover = $85us

Please consider supporting this undertaking by purchasing some advertising space.  Any and all support will go a long way to financing what I feel is the most significant issue yet, in a climate that seems to increasingly eschew physical product.

If you contact me via email - chris[dot]cipher[at]gmail[dot]com I can provide specifics including placement, dimensions, bleed, etc., and any other detail/assistance you need.

Thank you.

blossoming noise


I'm not sure if i'll be able to support/buy an ad space but i'll definitely get at least a copy, past issues were great!