I'm shipping these:
jdv025 -
Retina.it - Op_sci - c32
Cold and obscure electronic music from this great band from Pompei(!!) .
All analog-modular textures, timbre research and black dephts for early Pan Sonic lovers.
jdv026 - Zac Davis - Easter Island, Christmas Eve 1913: Federal Reserve Canonization And Ordination Of Pontiff Banking Conglomerate - c20
Guitar solo peregrinations from this controversial and elusive U.S musician.
A great low fi odyssey between "free sabbathian" impetuousness and more quieter zones.
jdv027 - Wrong Hole - Apathetic Withdrawal -c30
Nial Morgan unleashes one more brutal stream of harsh noise in his corrupted and bursting style. Pure intensity and crudeness skillfully handled. Americanoise!
https://soundcloud.com/joydevivrecassettes are 5 euros each + shipping cost.
orders/inquiries to> francescotignola /at/ gmail /dot/ com
thanks for attention,