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(( Bohrer )) | “Ripeto: La Guerra è Finita” - SR114
Type: wav
Location: Italy
Date: 23/10/2014
Duration: 00:12:01
Tracks: 1
Genre: harsh noise, noise ambient
Section: Grey
Free download: here:“La guerra è finita” è il tentativo di proposizione dello spazio Europa e del tempo Guerra.??
Durante e dopo il massacro il suono dominante è quello che più si avvicina al silenzio stordente: prima le troppe grida assordanti e poi la collina ricoperta di croci bianche.?Anche le urla di gioia e la voce radiofonica di un noto ex-conduttore televisivo che ne annunciano la fine non possono che essere drenate del loro entusiasmo. Non c’è alcuna vittoria, solo una catasta di vite spezzate.
“The war is over” is the attempt to propose a “Europe” space and a “War” time.
During and after the massacre, the dominant sound is the one that is closest to the deafening silence: too many before the deafening shouts and then the hill covered with white crosses.
Even the screams of joy and the voice of a well known former television anchor on the radio announce the end. They can only be drained of their enthusiasm.
There is no victory, only a pile of broken lives.
Umanzuki | “Tropical Nature of Tiaso” SR104
Type: tape @ mp3
Location: Italy
Date: 2014
Duration: 00:33:48
Track: 2
Genre: free form, live impro, live, tropical orgiastic introspection?
Section: indigo ( released together with Lemming Records )
Price: 6 euros for tape, free for download: tape here:"Started up as a jazzcore trio, passed through the mix of psychedelic and electric free jazz of their second EP, Sonic Birds, nowadays the group Umanzuki flash everyone and with their new album, "Tropical nature of Tiaso", They definitely dissolve their last rock sound in a long sparkling improvisation made of delicate electronic variation, languid and liquid sounds, reduced synthetic rhythms and far memories, for a record that sounds like a tropical island where suddenly sank a very deep dark.
Already at work on a new LP, coming out next year, Umanzuki listen and absorb in a omnivorous way and they are the young, adventurous and credible band that we expected.” ( from Lemming Records )
IznelavKcin | “The Plan” - SR113
Type: mp3
Location: U.S.A.
Date: 11/09/2014
Duration: 00:15:00
Track: XI
Genre: free impro / purity of sound / acoustic noise / fear / a new era of loneliness
Section: Grey
Free download: here:"The Plan is an album that musically shows emptiness and fear. The subtle, sometimes fast and low tone are there to give a feeling of loneliness. I wanted to create an album that would make you feel something rather than hear. This is a new era of IznelavKcin where the music is more than just a noise or a sound, but a feeling. And not a feeling of comfort, because that can be found anywhere and it’s the feeling we all seek and sometimes never acquire. Feeling alone and scared is something that happens a lot; in which during we feel we want out but for some reason after it’s all over, we cannot get the memory out of our head. The purpose of The Plan is to bring a new take of my music and not only make you feel alone with just the music, but to make you always remember it. Listen to the album and feel the fear. The fear of being where you are - alone."
Hado Navarro | “Moebius Dancinstruent” SR109
Type: mp3
Location: Argentina
Date: 2013
Duration: 00:19:37
Track: 1
Genre: experimental - dance - body as generator of sound
Section: white
Free download: here:"The idea was make a song with the sounds of dancing bodies, where the movement of the dance generates the sounds to dance to and the danced sound is another movement sounding itself, and so on, in a cyclical manner. An allusion to instruments of the future where the body is the generator of sounds: play, music and dance are the same thing.
“IV Noise” | “We Wait For The Sun” - SR112
Type: mp3
Location: Mexico
Date: 07/08/2014
Tracks: 11
Genre: Noise - Distorted Tribalism - Lost Tribe
Section: Black
Free download: here:"The album was a part of my life that i lived in Ensenada Baja, California , where I discovered many ideas that made me stronger , but some times very alone…"
Album cover by Akis Karanos
“Resonancedj” The Elements - SR111
Type: cd-r ( limited edition of 50 copies )
Location: Italy
Date: 01/07/2014
Duration: 00:44:95
Track: 8
Genre: experimental, ambient, chill-out, drone, trippin’, post raver turned instrospective
Section: Indigo
Free Download Preview: 8 euros: buy here: a long period of detention Resonacedj is back with 45 minutes of “wild” deep mental introspection … an invitation to reflection … to create images with the mind …
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in pick ourselves up every time we fall."
"I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. Valiant is not who does not feel afraid, but one who conquers that fear."
"Introspection": to process psychological observation of their content and mental processes, for which the individual focuses on their cognitive and emotional experiences. In psychiatry, the introspection is a paroxysmal morbid attention to their mental state, with anxious expectation of the consequences of their actions and obsessive rumination about the reasons of his own thoughts and his actions. It stands from "self-observation", because while in the introspection morbid concerns and anxiety are mixed with narcissism, while in "self-observation" the observation is more objective and the individual can easily accept his own negative parts as well…. ?What does it mean to display? It means having the ability to CREATE IMAGES and see them with your mind’s eye. And it is a skill that we all have. It is impossible to think without thinking and wording any image ever heard, and this gives birth to a series of association of ideas, which create images?
Biba Records Special!Biba Records is an Italian label started in 1992 by Pino from the Northeast of Italy. From ‘92 to ‘95/96 it published tapes as Platano Produzioni then changing name and publishing vinyls and cds as Biba Records Fucking Industries since 1998. Biba has produced some of the most brutal and offensive punk hardcore bands of the 90s, Italian and not, and still continues to this day organizing concerts and raves. Master of spam event, Pino has allowed Spettro to publish some of its oldest and rarest productions, here now for free download. If anyone can help in expanding this database, please write me at the usual address. If you want the records removed, no problem, I’ll take them off the net asap.
Free download albums here: / Concrete |“Split ( 7” )” BIBA01 ( 1997 )
Type: 7 inch
Location: Italy ( Padova/Roma )
Date: 1997
A1–AntisgammoNero Nero
A2–AntisgammoTutto Ciò
B–Concrete Three… E Poi PioveTrack: 17
Genre: hardcore/thrash/punk
Grievance | “Grievance - 7”” BIBA03 ( 1998 )
Type: 7 inch
Location: Italy
Date: 1998
A1Ovunque Tra Le Stanze
A2Le Tentazioni Di Un Santo Parziale
BFugace Apparizione Del Bambino Alchemico
Genre: hardcore/punk
Bramagnoseologica |“Bramagnoseologica (S/t)”” BIBA05 ( 1997 )
Type: CD
Location: Italy
Date: 1997
1Nel Ventre Del Nulla
2L’Isola Del Fragore
3Il Fiume Dell’Oblio
4Le Lacrime Del Drago
Genre: hardcore/punk
Out in 1997 in 75 copies for Biba Records and in 2005 in Son Of Vesta!
By All Means | “Fino A Qui… Tutto Bene!” BIBA Coproduction with By All Means and Mr. Ritmo - 1998 )
Type: LP
Location: Italy ( Modena )
Date: 1998
A2Uomo Di Plastic
A4Fino A Qui Tutto Bene
B1Nella Macchina
B2Morbosa Attitudine
B3Felice Di Deluderti
Genre: hardcore/punk
"Modena, 1999, un altro pezzo di storia italiana.
Storica band di hardcore influenzato dall’America e dall’Italia più estrema.
Non starò a menzionare tour americani con Avail e Boysetfire, uscite con tutte la maggiori etichette nostrane ed estere, l’influenza che hanno avuto con le generazioni seguenti o quello che tutt’ora produce il loro chitarrista con la mitica Tornado Ride rec.
Ops ho citato tutto quello che non pensavo di dire, ma come si fa a non curarsi di cotanata storia, non soffermarsi sulla loro carriera, o sui loro show che hanno tanto stupito il nuovo continente.
Un palmo sopra le altre band dell’epoca e una prova discografica di livello.” ( from )
Bloodsuckers | “Fuck Milk… Got Beer?” BIBA10 ( 1999 )
Type: CD
Location: Belgium
Date: 1999
Tracks: 31
Genre: grindcore/punk
BLOOD SUCKERS were formed by Christophe Pels (lead guitar) & Gregory Pels (bass and vocals) in 1994 and the formation is stable in 1995 (after the departure of the first drummer Nicolas Incoul) with the 2 other members : Pierre Marchal (rythm guitar and vocals) and Michaël Thiry (drums).
But for them the real beginning of Blood Suckers’ history is the recording of the demo “Bestial Murder” in 1996. Before that demo they were playing OLD SCHOOL DEATH METAL but they had just recorded some rehearsals. They started to spread their music in the underground in the beginning of 1997. But it’s with their second demo ” Human Factory ” that they’ve increased their contacts and distribution in lots of countries on each continents.
They call their music SHIT CRUST (it’s a Bloodsuckin’ mince core with some fast Hard-core and Punk passages and pessimistic lyrics about most of humans’ stupid way of living and all its bad effects on earth).
In the end of 1998, Michaël left the band because of a lack of motivation about their musical’ orientation. They went on as a trio with Pierre at drums + vocals, Greg at bass + vocals and Chris at guitar + vocals.
They recorded their first full length CD called “Fuck milk … got beer ?” in the end of 1999. This CD was produced by a little 100 % DIY label called BIBA REC (ITALY).
Grievance /Soar | “Split” BIBA Coproduction with Stonehenge Records ( 2000 )
Type: LP
Location: Soar ( France, Caen ) - Grievance ( Italy )
Date: 2000
-Soar Enfer
–Soar Ya Basta
–GrievanceIl Segno, L’ Ira…
Genre: grindcore/punk