HORSE VOMIT "Studio Vomit" CS/DL out now!

Started by Cementimental, December 03, 2014, 01:52:12 AM

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New cassette on Transient Constellations, UK noise/noisecore/anti-art supergroup HORSE VOMIT feat. Cementimental, Duncan Harrison, Tracey Phleghmin and other reprobates.

QuoteAfter being banned twice during their debut live set at The Windmill Brixton in August 2007, lowering the tone and knocking art off the walls at several of The Wallis Gallery's 'Making Mistakes' events and smashing up most of their equipment within seconds of the start of their set at Hulk Dash, UK noise supergroup Horse Vomit went on to record four tracks of uncharacteristically doomy improvisation at Horacio Pollard's Iceni Village Studios in 2009. Intended for an aborted split with Bristol grinders Atomçk, this material finally sees the light of day after five years of procrastination and indecision released on cassette with the original rough/remix version as the B-side.

£3 download or £5 +p&p for the tape, choice of ugly green or puke colours. Trades somewhat welcome but hopefully I can actually sell some of these things and maybe break even. :D