The children were born first and soon more and more toys began to appear. Finally a useful invention was made: these toys make great sounds! Grateful Däd is Sami Karttunen, a DIY-punk rocker from Tampere, Finland. He makes electronic music with children's toys. It does not sound like violent harsh noise or ambient drone, because the music is based on the personal and different sounds that each "instrument" produces. The songs are not improvised but carefully considered, practiced and composed. Eight songs of the album take the listener to an interesting and unique voyage which never stops to one place for too long. It creates new atmospheres and visions all the time, being simultaneously both serious and playful. Also the title of the album refers to this ambiguity.
During its existence Grateful Däd has played dozens of shows in different clubs, galleries and festivals including Ilmiö 2013 and Flow 2014. Mr. Karttunen has also composed music for Buster Keaton's silent black and white classic Blacksmith. The show's premiere was in October 2014.
Moomin Valley of the Dolls was recorded during the summer 2014 by Jukka Nousiainen. Jarno Alho mastered the LP. He has also recorded two songs (Sota and Diktaattorin puhe) of this album already a year before the others. Those two pieces of noise were included also on Grateful Däd's first release Lelukaupan Häätö -tape. Moomin Valley of the Dolls comes out only on green vinyl and the pressing is 200 copies. It is released by three honest underground labels from Tampere: Joteskii Groteskii, Rämekuukkeli ja Sonitus Insulto. Däd/ Sonitus Insulto
Joteskii Groteskii