The Shrouded Recordings Zine #2 WINTER 2015

Started by sbtdoh, January 30, 2015, 05:10:31 AM

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Happy to announce as of now the second issue has been released. Individually hand numbered.  The zine has grown to 24 pages. This issue has interviews with Andrew from Column of Heaven (and tons of other rad bands). Taylor of Scream & Write Distro, Absurd Explosion Label, Subsist. Exclusive art pieces by Andreas Brandal & Greg Gorlen. Label Floodlight on Dumpster Noise Records, W/ Funeral Parlor & Garbage Mask.  Expanded cassette tape review section on such as: Dumpter Noise Records bands, Theologian, Old Witch, Trepaneringsritualen, Chrome Mirror, Wolfbait &more.
Comes with a little Shrouded Recordings bookmark. Zine comes in little bag for safe keeping. They will be sold from the site: & soon to be at some excellent distros.    -rooted in dirge & spite- all cassette tape label and zine haus