Quick question that I have been thinking... Back in the day, idea of zine was to be AS FULL AS POSSIBLE, of information, that is. I remember doing zines with font size 6, just to fit in more text. Special Interests has been often using point 7 font. It is pretty clear, especially in 3 column lay-out. With latest issue being 2 column lay-out, I am thinking am I getting old, or would it be wise to make font bigger?
Usually, in mainstream magazines, font tends to be point 8-10. In special interests magazine, I always felt that amount of stuff is more important that does it look good, or is it fast to read.
Question also came up, when reading couple issues of UNTITLED: Sounds and aesthetics -zine (canada. Find it at untitledzine at IG or untitled_zine at twitter). 36 pages. Nice to read as the font is so big, bit also... quick! Lots of pics and big text. Feeling that I have with SI magazine, that if someone paid 7e for zine + postage on top of that, it better have enough stuff that it was worth it. Not just nice looking lay-out, hah...
So.. people who've seen the physical copies? Readablity and looks vs. abundance of stuff?