atrabilis sunrise. pills, larks & todestrieb. tape. raubbau / pflichtkauf

Started by Raubbau, June 11, 2015, 03:01:51 PM

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atrabilis sunrise. pills, larks & todestrieb: live at maschinenfest 2011
tape. raubbau raub-034 / pflichtkauf pflicht 061

tracklist: a1. hombre sin nombre, a2. deathcode 1102, a3. hungry for light, a4. the world is full of me, a5. sleepless years, b1. giardian nirvana, b2. infekt:kollision, b3. irni (lsa mix), b4. suffer genesis children, b5. crowd redeems

release date: 22.june.2015
this tape includes an mp3-download-code.
released by raubbau and pflichtkauf. &

finally, we are able to relive through the chills and shivers that padre p.c. caused at maschinenfest 2011. the recording of his debut concert 14 years after his first release in 1997 clearly exceeds every expectation: acid death industrial at its best - atrabilis sunrise messes with our synapses as we wander between drones and distortion.

while we enjoyed studio versions of some of the tracks before, the live setting adds a completely new dimension. we become one with the audience again, the humming takes us further and further into the abyss where coarse noise floors mixed with heavy beat cannonades jump straight at us.

this recording is an unparalleled blend of everything we want from a first class noise project like atrabilis sunrise: thick layers of dark ambient, blasting rhythms and distorted screams straight from an industrial mastermind.

pills, larks & todestrieb: live at maschinenfest 2011. tape. raubbau / pflichtkauf. 2015
perverse liturgy. tape / cd. p.c.m. / raubbau. 2012
pillgrimage. tape / cd. p.c.m. / raubbau. 2009 / 2010
snoezelen room larks. cd-r. p.c.m. / 3patttes. 2006 / 2008
sex, drugs, and christian pride (worst case scenario). cd. p.c.m.. 2006
cada solemne. dvd-r. p.c.m.. 2004
altered alternative (boredom level). cd-r. deserted factory. 2004
santo pae. 3" cd-r. p.c.m.. 2003
aesthetics of self-destruction. 3" cd-r / 7". p.c.m. / formosan rec.. 2003
a child's dream of death. 3" cd-r. p.c.m.. 2003

atrabilis sunrise official websites:

raubbau official websites:

pflichtkauf official website:

distribution: ant-zen. audio & visual arts. p.o. box 1257 · 93135 lappersdorf · germany · · ·