HALALNIHIL - Isten Előtt Senki Se Értékesebb Egy Taposnivaló Féregnél LP

Started by SNR, January 29, 2016, 04:40:32 PM

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New full-length material. The project came back to more complex, structured, and textured power electronics / industrial this time, abandoned the previous spoken world related, minimalistic sound.
Strong,vocal centric production during the whole material, with pedal, mixer, physical, and instrumental noise sounds, processed with both analog, and digital effects.
Material is available at the link below, 'pay if you want' download.

Download: https://halalnihil.bandcamp.com/album/isten-el-tt-senki-se-rt-kesebb-egy-taposnival-f-regn-l
Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/Halalnihil-Isten-Előtt-Senki-Se-Értékesebb-Egy-Taposnivaló-Féregnél/release/8043887