Streicher - Zero Tolerance interview

Started by re:evolution, May 14, 2015, 03:00:21 PM

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Perchance does anyone have this interview they could scan and circulate to me/ the group?

Thanks in advance if anyone can.
noise receptor: sound with impact - analysing the abstract

spectrum magazine archive: ambient / industrial / experimental / power electronics / neo-folk music culture magazine


OK I think it should be readable if you open it another page and read it there or download it also there is the Ramelah interview from the opposite page Streicher interview is fairly short also in that issue was Sewer Goddess and a couple of others




Fucking hell that was pretty terrible...did the magazine come with a free gift? Smash Hits type shit.

I never expect much from music journalism and understand the noise coverage in that mag is quite limited to start with given the overall slant on Metul etc but even so I don't see what this provides besides the minimal joy of seeing a name/face you recognise in print. Nothing more.  Fill me in if I missed something but all I could see was surface info and a bunch of polemic which never made it past the point of statement.

Total props to the fellow who uploaded it, mind...


Thanks for the uploads!

Yeah I do agree the articles are pretty light on, but some sort of vague props to Zero Tolerance is needed for evening bothering to feature such 'obscure' (to the metal readers anyway) underground noise/ industrial/ power electronics acts.  Clearly there is no advertising revenue/ financial gain to be gained from such coverage, so seems to be driven by a genuine interest in the music - even if the end coverage is severely limited in scope.

As for the rest of Zero Tolerance - it clearly functions at the commercial/ marking end of the extreme metal scene with albums with full page ads getting interviews and key reviews.

PS: yes - a free 'gift' comes each month in the form of a sampler CD!
noise receptor: sound with impact - analysing the abstract

spectrum magazine archive: ambient / industrial / experimental / power electronics / neo-folk music culture magazine


Hello. I wrote this article, and used to be editor of Zero Tolerance. I'm now back as a staff writer there.

Anyway, it's worth pointing out that ZT is very much a commercial magazine available in high street newsagents and bookshops, covering extreme music generally. It's not a zine and the content reflects that. Most readers come from a 'metal' background and therefore are less aware about noise / PE etc. The purpose of these features was to increase awareness of this to our readership.

I can count on the fingers of, er, one finger the number of other widely available English language magazines which have given noise and PE the same level of exposure over the past decade.

Ulex was pleased with the interview, btw. I know this, because he told me ;)


Quote from: BlowToTheSkull on November 12, 2015, 12:21:20 PM
I can count on the fingers of, er, one finger the number of other widely available English language magazines which have given noise and PE the same level of exposure over the past decade.

Then i hope that ZT will not loose this path and covers other important noise and p.e. artists in the future.
Remember, remember... december.


Is ZT still around?

I assume this response is directed at stuff I said which is fair enough.  Congrats on getting Streicher in WH Smith.  I still have to stand by my remarks but I hope I can make it clear that this is more to do with my incredulity at the utter redundancy of widespread music journalism in general (sorry) rather than anything existing only in your article.  I know I'll just appear to be a nit picking cunt but I can't identify what's to be celebrated about an instance of something one enjoys finding its way into a market where depthlessness is apparently a professional obligation.  Even in this modern, internet age people are still dazzled by something they can hold in their hands and show to their parents!  Amazing we all continue to bestow such legitimacy upon that while we all know how little it really means :(


Oh well. You obviously don't read ZT, so don't get too sad about it ;)


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Not to kiss your arse but I think some of your past interviews were good. There was a considerable drop in standards when you left where some shockingly bad music was given time and space. If you can bring the standard back up again then that's a good thing.
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I personally fell that noise in the widest sense dont need to limit itself to this rather small (and smallest) circles it dwells today.
In the 90s, when so-called Japanoise was relativly huge (compared to today standarts), did this any harm to this "scene" ??
I doubt that.

Noise will never be a mainstream style, so why worry about a few more people who know about it ? We are not talking underground
black metal here.
Remember, remember... december.