WARD025 Knife of Signora - La Morte Cammina con i Tacchi Alti
White C30 in Standard White tape box
One of my fav Richard Ramirez HNW Project
Limited to 52 copies
6 euro
WARD026 Cherry Blossoms at Night / Distorted Souls Within A Corrupt Vision - The Paraphiliac Focus in Fetishistic Disorder
RED C60 in standard Red tape box and Black Nylon
Limited to 50 copies
6 euro
WARD027 IN GIALLO HNW Muder Collection - for the first time togethere many HNW project of Richard Ramirez in a unique release Giallo inspired.
An Innocent Young Throat-Cutter
Knife of Singora
Black Day for the Ram
Yellow Tape in A4 cardboard
Limited to 70 copies
7 euro
Signora Ward Records