A new release is in the works for some time now and it's time to make it known to all interested parties.
"Poison" is a compilation of tracks done/created/composed around the subject of poison, be it real poison or an idea of something poisonous. Each invited artist choose their specific poison and make their sounds around it.
Originally planned to be an annual compilation, I've decided to make it in several volumes and have no time frame for the release. I'll be making new volumes whenever I have enough contributions from invited artists. On this first volume, I'm including the first submitted tracks. Other artists are already confirmed and will be present in other volumes.
Artists participating on Vol I:
Concrete Mascara
Contagious Orgasm
Salakapakka Sound System
Artwork is pretty much done by now and all is ready to be sent to press.
Tape will be limited to 50 copies.
More info soon.