SIROTEK - Listening To The Mirror

Started by Vitaly Malygin, November 30, 2015, 12:55:54 AM

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Vitaly Malygin

Sirotek - Listening To The Mirror
Industrial, Noise, Ambient, Experimental.

QuoteRelentless immersion in a wonderworld of internal images by means of analog synthesizers, radio receivers, guitars, bass and samples of the voice of Sigmund Freud. From infernal dreaming ambient to layers of dense psychodelic drone doom, rushing through weighty industrial structures - the card of new tests of a sound as source of influence and transformation. Shudder of the new nature and new sensuality on border between a reality and a dream - a subject of the Russian project.

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Vitaly Malygin

Review by Chain D.L.K.

This release from Sirotek, the post-industrial project of Vitaly Malygin, seems based based on psychological concept as it features also samples of the voice of Sigmund Freud. The mirror could be seen as how we perceive ourself in what we see and this could be the sense of the cover artwork where a man is seen through the disturbed signal of the television.
"Some Important New Facts About The Unconscious" opens this release juxtaposing noises and voices, perhaps from a television program, as the noises, perhaps from a malfunctioning television, underlines the worries generated by the lecture. "Rhizome Ways" reveals a sense of narration as it starts almost quality to superimposes noise generators to expose a gentle line of piano in the central part and closing the track with small noises in a pure silence. "Hypnagogia" is a long track starting as an almost dark ambient track to evolve with sharp noises in a central part of undeniable impact and closing with with tones of atmosphere. "Inside The Mirror" is a noise track of deep impact and "I'm Only Sleeping" is at the threshold between ambient and noise. "I'm Only Dying" is a meditative juxtaposition of noises while "Besy" superimpose noises until it reaches the white one. "The Gift Of Death" sequences sonic details from a sort of melody above a canvas of background noise.
This is more multifaceted release than the average of the genre which is focused on the body impact and reveals an artist which is anchored to an allegorical vision of noise that reminds to an almost spiritual vision. This not a release for everyone but noise fans will see a path for the future of the genre.
(Andrea Piran)