Bottleopeners was maybe too quiet considering possibilities. Having lights on, added very "normal" atmosphere. Set had some very good moments, but also something what could be "edited out" if it was a release. Some really tasty guitar bits in middle of set.
Mastur-Bait surprised me totally! First of all, I didn't even realize who it was going to be, and when mr. Obscurex played, he pulled out some very nice sounds in beginning and end of set. I think he could have continued like 5 more minutes of "acoustic" noises in beginning, as those parts were easily the best. When distortion pedals hit in, and set turned more or less HNW, it was decent, but this type of material would have benefitted from guitar amplifiers. Line-in distortion pedal in PA has this tinny quality I don't like so much. With totally motionless face, with no expressions of any kind, he came to audience to grope people with "severed" plastic hand. It was funny as hell, in good way.
Pyhä Kuolema played new and old tracks. Fuck, I really wait the new album! Title track is really good one. Set felt short, but I guess when one was about to start freezing even inside, it isn't best climate to play acoustic guitar and sing...
Concrete Mascara was indeed way louder than anyone. I must have seen now... 4 CM live shows? Each has been drastically different. First time he came to finland, then the drunken mayhem, then previous London show what can be heard on new CM live tape.. and now this. I appreciate that artist can pull out different kind of material, despite there is obvious red line. He collaborated with mr. Unclean who did vocals for couple tracks and assisted with bunch of sounds.
I hope next time weather get warmer... No other complaints! Even this time, kontti was basically full. I doubt you could have squeezed in too many people besides this?