Started by BizarreAudioArts, February 04, 2016, 04:33:55 AM

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Net Post Concerning Macronympha

Over the years, Macronympha has had the fortunate opportunity to collaborate and work with many artists all over the world. Sharing soundwork and visual art has enabled us to present to the public end results which we feel truly capture and portray the ideas and intentions we planned.

Leader and founder, Joseph Roemer, has always credited finding super-talented audiophile, Rodger Stella, as a key element in the successful launch of their noise project.

As time passed from the first release in 1991 (yes, Macronympha are 25 this year!) - the group has worked with Grey Wolves, Sudden Infant, K2, Incapacitants, Kapotte Muziek, Mlehst, Stimbox, Prurient, and Lord Bird Golden Cobra - using sound sources mixed together while creating several works. Also as OVMN, Roemer has worked with Skin Crime, Thirdorgan, and Mikawa/Incapacitants.

Currently Macronympha has chosen to collaborate with longtime friend and colleague, Leonardo Sabatto/Armenia, in Ecuador.

Going back almost 20 years, both men communicated often through conventional mail and combined Macronypha and Armenia recordings on projects for each of their private release labels. Besides appearing separately as themselves - they have also re-mixed the other's sounds and called it "Macromenia".

Now since 2014 for recording purposes, Macronympha has added Mr. Sabatto into the official mix of members. During the last 10 years for live performances, Roemer has had his close friends and contacts such as: Chris/Sickness, Nolan/Kakerlak, Dom/Prurient, Chuck/Hogra, Sam/The Rita, Ed-Um/C.S.I., Nick/Mayan Death Prophecy, Henry/PA Hypno Center, and Eddie/Final Solution join him performing onstage at these shows under the Macro banner.

Hopefully, Roemer and Sabatto can find a way someday to perform live again together (last time was 2006 at "No Future Fest" in North Carolina) - despite being in two far away Americas. For now, however, they will release recordings and continue remote collaboration as Macronympha.