JoyDeVivre News: Ligature and Broken Lights new tapes out now

Started by francesco, May 05, 2016, 12:42:45 AM

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Glad to present these new tapes

Ligature - Claustrophobe - c20 JDV039
Fourth release for Chris Hansell solo effort (Ascetic House, Warthog) presents two tracks of crude tape loop manipulations on field recordings and voice interspersed with poignant strings provided by C. Spencer Yeh to create a formidable portrait of today's turmoil in the Big Apple.

Broken Lights - Weakness - c20 JDV040
Pure feedback loops processed through a faulty tape echo, occasionally sequenced to generate primitive rhythms. The title "Weakness" here not only refers to physical/social condition but also is reflected in sound, specifically in how signals decay.

order / payment instructions
1 tape + unregistered mail Eu: 9,50 eurs US: 11,50 eurs Oceania: 13,50 eurs
1 tape + registered mail is Eu: 11 eurs US: 13 eurs Oceania: 15 eurs

2 tapes + unregistered mail Eu: 17 eurs US: 19,5 eurs Oceania: 21,5 eurs
2 tapes + registered mail Eu: 19,5 eurs US: 21,5 eurs Oceania: 23,5 eurs

paypal to:

get in touch for ordering more and/or further infos

thanks for your attention

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