ebay: Wreckers of Civilisation Story of Coum Transmissions & Throbbing Gristle

Started by ChromePeelerRec, June 25, 2016, 01:19:49 AM

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The auction is here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/291802132234?ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:US:1123

This text tells the story of two interconnected groups: the performance art group COUM Transmissions (1969-1979) and the music group, Throbbing Gristle (1975-1981). COUM shocked art audiences with their public nudity and often masochistic art actions. TG likewise shocked music audiences with their sonic terrorism and explicit lyrics. The book documents both group's work and places it in the context of avant-gardism and permissiveness.

OUT OF PRINT book on the history of COUM and THROBBING GRISTLE by Simon Ford. Book has been stored in a SMOKE FREE environment. There is visible wear on the edges (see photos) from when I was carrying it around in my bag and reading it. For noise freaks only!

Proceeds of this auction go towards funding future releases on Chrome Peeler Record
www.chromepeelerrecords.bandcamp.com (digital)