Since Mikko's reviews in the playlist thread stirred some interest, CRYPTOFASCISME' 2nd tape called "La Mort Visible & La Mort Invisible Pt. 1: Reggane / In Ekker", and VIOLENT SHOGUN's first selftitled tape are available from me.
CRYPTOFASCISME's tape = rough industrial/experimental noise about France's nuclear tests in the Sahara desert in the 60's, and their aftermath. Synth, loops, banging, tape abuse, some samples, etc... all clumsily put together. About 40ish minutes of music.
The first tape called "Mille Collines", dealing with France's collaboration with Rwanda during the 90's genocide, is also available.
VIOLENT SHOGUN's tape is synth and tape noise abuse. I don't know if it really sounds like Mike Solotroff' Surgical Stainless Steel's material but his stuff at the end of the first Intrinsic Action album is definitely a big influence of mine. So expect ca 25 minutes of experimentations of that ilk.
Both tapes come with covers printed on hard J-cards and are homedubbed with a decent system on Bible-teaching for children tapes.
Trades for other tapes are most certainly preferred, there are tons of things I still need in my collection. I accept dubs with good cover xeroxes as well. I'm always looking for more industrial, noise, noisecore, black/death metal, hardcore punk tapes, so send your lists!
Labels can also write if they want to trade releases for some tapes.
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Thank you for your interest.