OFR - 021 : Antichildleague / the Rita Split C40
Two giants from to somewhat different fields come together and present over 15 minutes of material each. Antichildleague presents structured, atmospheric but still spitefully harsh PE songs, whereas the Rita's side is dark and crackling texture study with the ripeness of sound that has made this project stand out for so long.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HNzTzDvqWoOFR - 022 : Pissoir Rouge - s/t C40
Pissoir Rouge is a shreddingly fierce Harsh Noise / Power Electronics act from the sewers of Berlin. Live amp maltreatment, ripping Feedback, gutwrenching vocals. Highly authentic material themed around coprophilia, FemDom and Dominatrix sessions. This comes with posters and printouts designed and arranged by the artist himself and a glossy photo of him from a BDSM session. Limited to 60 copies only - be quick!
https://youtu.be/yzkArAncdCkOFR - 023 : Die Reitenden Leichen - Antisex C50
Die Reitenden Leichen has been operating in the shadows for many years and now presents this 50 minute album after a few years of abstinence. Very varied and skilled harsh noise compositions which encorporate that nice dark crunchy sound from the earliest days but is constantly striving for quality and character. Dark and disturbing subject matter revolving around depression, suicide, hatred and perversion. Comes with an 8 page booklet designed by the artist!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fd8o2AE3TJITo order, please contact: obsessivefundamentalrealism [a]
gmail.comAlso, OFR is finally launching a distro! Feel free to browse through: