New @ No Rent: Total Mom - "We Fed the Pig My Music"

Started by norent, May 15, 2018, 05:00:29 PM

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Total Mom is hyper/abrasive harsh noise from a 16-year-old newcomer on the Providence scene. Don't let the rubbernecking novelty value mislead – this is a potent, varied, and fully-realized release which demands serious listening. "child.jpg" and "Sad Dad" will be among the most damaging screech to cross your deck this year, while the clobbering yet spacious album closer "Forcibly Removed" demonstrates the confidence and maturity of a veteran sound artist.

When asked to comment on his music, Total Mom instead provided the following thoughts composed by his younger sister:

Total Mom does not deserve the space these tapes will take up in the world. Instead of an awful abomination betraying everything music is supposed to be, a boxset of Seinfeld or a musical birthday card could exist.

With $10, you could buy a pizza, or your friend a pack of clicky pens, or your dog a nice bone (because it's what he deserves). Instead, you're seriously considering throwing it away on the dumb noise a 16 year old (whom I suspect to be simple minded) claims is "music."

If you buy this tape, you will regret it. Your grandson will feel the shame of it, and so will his grandson, and his grandson, and his grandson, until everyone with half a mind left has uploaded their brain onto a hard drive, no longer has a physical body, and music is a long lost art. Do not make this mistake.

Sibling rivalry aside, No Rent fully stands behind Total Mom and We Fed The Pig My Music. After all, the children are the future.


Dang, "Child.jpg" is genuinely painful to listen to in the weirdest best way. It's like ASMR except you're getting your skull crushed by a vise.