Having done interviews and written a lot about the early days, my favorable opinion is probably known. One can search topics such as "Danish supremacy" from this forum!
While I see plenty of people trash PI, already then, and certainly now, I still stand firmly in opinion that there is plenty of great releases. It is certainly visible how they had all the obvious influences, instead of creating something very unique, yet I'm fairly confident that PI is one of the last "phenomena" that happened in noise. Of course there are now some tape labels that have instagram success or such. Who have grown to penetrate out of the "noise ghetto" so to say. Phenomena beyond "artist" or "label" - ability to create something that is vastly bigger. One does not have to like it, to acknowledge they did it.
That linked dance video, with droning instrument sounds, I'm sure not everybody is into cock bulge in pantyhose, but for me, this is welcomed element in form of somewhat "underground experimental sound" teaming up with video art, dance/body art, etc. To me, that video is like very positive example of what PI is doing now. I am certainly not fan of their computer dance music or current aesthetic approach what gives me literally nothing, but it also underlines quite good question. Do I rate PI by what is the best things they do (or did) or things I did not/could not like? I know it may sound almost heritical to give such example as Alchemy Records, but consider this:
Do you value Alchemy Records based on the absolute best noise releases (Merzbow, Incapacitants, Hijokaidan,...) or do you need to think about countless and countless Japanese indie music bands on same roster, that I have certainly given a try so many times... but almost without exception, can not get into.
yep, I would vote on approaching in what is good on label, not what are the things you simply could never appreciate based on your own taste. So, while I do have huge collection of early PI, and am more than happy to ignore most of the things they did within last years. If they happen to do some noise related, I might be giving it spin if I just manage to get the album.
(This is one of the nuisances of growing labels. In short, PI no longer sold wholesale directly. One would have to order from Cargo (uk). Cargo does not accept wholesale orders from Finland, since they have Finnish broker. Finnish broker does not carry PI stuff as there is "no demand". So, if there is item I would like to sell, I can't. Same thing applies for few other bigger "industrial" labels. They won't sell directly, wholesaler won't sell to your country, your local wholesaler won't carry items.)