Soft Issues, Knifedoutofexistence, Active Denial : Brighton UK 01.09.18

Started by APPLE, August 03, 2018, 06:09:00 PM

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OA #20


Power electronics, techno and drone from Leeds.
Relatively new project making a name for themselves with their debut tape having sold out.
Members responsible for The Shits, The Wound, Cattle and more.


South Coast Harsh Electronics since 2013. First local solo show since April. Performing material from an upcoming full length for Strange Rules.


New Power Electronics/Industrial duo. Debut live show.



Just a few short words.

I was curious to see Active Denial and I was pleased to see they were better than the tape. This was their first gig and while there's still work to do but I'd choose this over the tired shit from the usual UK old guard every time. Long Live the New Flesh!

KOOE has been around a while and it shows. I didn't like the screechy bit in the middle of the set but the rest was pure class.

I liked the venue, which is owned by a fellow Swede who played Leather Nun in the bar, and I hope there will be more events there. It was pleasant to meet a few familiar as well as some new faces. Me and the woman enjoy going to Brighton and on the day we ate, drank, chatted, watched the bands, chatted some more and then we fucked off home. Perfect!
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Gigs like this are very rare in Brighton so it was good to see, I certainly hope more things like this happen again for this reason alone.  The Pipeline is definitely now a place where a tonne of new, young punk/hardcore bands are getting to play so it'd be a good home to some more noise gigs.  A decent crowd showed up too which made the small room seem packed.  Shows like this are always great.

Active Denial - First gig as has been mentioned.  Did the same material as on the tape with the closing track being particularly strong and the strobe light adding something pretty great.  Definitely interested to see where they go next and hope new material will be on the way.

Knifedoutofexistence - Only seen Dean play 3 times I think and this was definitely the best.  Just nice and heavy.  I did like the screechy bit in the middle!

Soft Issues - Pretty frustrating. I enjoyed what I heard of their stuff online and it was evident that there was some good stuff happening but it suffered badly from volume disparity between the two amps.  Vocals were way too quiet and the other electronics too loud, which really revealed some of the weak spots in the latter.  I'd like to see them again with a better mix.

Nice chatting with you and your lady, Martin and also seeing some other good folks.  Fun was had drinking til late and selecting bangers on the jukebox.  The venue is located really centrally and right by the sea front so battering through the stag/hen crowds as well as what appeared to be a massive Elvis Presley night at the big concert hall down the road was an interesting trip to and from the gig.


Thanks to the posters above for both attending the event & for sharing their thoughts.

Knifedoutofexistence played easily the harshest and most vitriolic set I've seen from him, I enjoyed the rhythmic assault from Soft Issues, the Pipeline is a great new venue & this was a very satisfying evening of harsh sounds - which up til now is a rare event in Brighton - here's to many more!

Quote from: Duncan on September 02, 2018, 04:39:33 PMThe venue is located really centrally and right by the sea front so battering through the stag/hen crowds as well as what appeared to be a massive Elvis Presley night at the big concert hall down the road was an interesting trip to and from the gig.

West Street is inhabited by horrors far beyond the scope of any industrial music.