15.9 Vantaa: Chaos Cascade/Wakboth/KSNK/Mastur-Bait

Started by Niko, September 10, 2018, 09:08:57 PM

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15.9.2018: Kontti/Vantaa:

Chaos Cascade (GER)

Alkaa: 20:15
Vapaavalintainen sisäänpääsymaksu!

Address: Hakintie, 01380 Vantaa
Map: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uir2v8czepe075k/kartta.jpg

Any foreigners attending, seriously use the map! From tikkurilantie turn to hakintie and take left over railroad tracks until you reach area with blue containers/portacabins.
You can get to tikkurilantie with bus from central Helsinki or Tikkurila. But easiest way to get there is just take a taxi from Tikkurila and show the map to the driver! If you have hard time finding the place, my phone number is: +358 6190 260! Call me!

www.obscurex.org Noise, Power Electronics, Industrial & Experimental Label.