Started by Peterson, November 17, 2018, 08:37:57 PM

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Hi all,

Now available is a cassette of spoken-word and sound collage - an addendum to "Missing," recently published by Amphetamine Sulphate. Lyrics culled from investigative reports, personal journals, and flyers taped to my door by conspiracy theorists. This tape is your new listening companion for train commutes and extended bus rides. May appeal to fans of William Shatner's "Has Been" album from 2004.

Preview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4a22R3G-1I

Edition of 25.

$10 postpaid in US.
$17 postpaid to Canada.
$20 postpaid to the rest of the world.

Interested distributors are welcome to get in touch regarding wholesale.

Coming soon: an anthology of short fiction based on contemporary news items by J. Peterson.

Orders, questions, etc - jawsh peter son AT g mail DOT com.

Thanks for looking,


Highly recommend this release. Brilliant and unique approach to intertwining worlds of sound collage and experimental industrial music.


All current orders shipped & trades arranged, about half of edition remaining. Thanks for the interest & support!


Available now is the first anthology of short fiction from experimental author J. Peterson. In
succinct, matter-of-fact tonalities, we are exposed to environments such as the unforgiving rural
southwestern United States landscape, waste management companies, the treacherous
psychology of child abductors, the precarious alternate reality of online dating, and the strange
beauty of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, as well as brief meditations on suicides by television
personalities, the voyeurism of people-watching, those who live with severe mental illnesses,
and the logic of those who retreat from their identities and relationships to begin new lives in total
anonymity. Herein you will find equal parts bleak assessment, resolute strength, disaffection,
and tender sensitivity.

52 pages, black and white, 8.5 x 11, undisclosed edition.

$15 postpaid in USA
$22 postpaid to CAN
$25 postpaid to EUR, ASIA, R.O.W.

Wholesale prices available for interested distributors.

Trades for other fiction, anecdotal writing, essays, or experimental writing are possible –
no music fanzines, visual art books, or politically-oriented material will be considered.
No review copies.

ja wsh pe ter so n (at) g mail dot com for any questions or orders.

Thank you for your interest and support.


Whoops, forgot to mention:

Copies of the New Policies tape are available from Self Abuse (US) and will be soon available from Scream & Writhe (CAN).

My remaining copies are all reserved so please support these kind folks. Might end up doing a second edition alongside a restock of the Missing tape early next year.