Hey guys
I am a case manager here in Sydney Australia and recently I was recently given a grant to produce a noise cd of 6-8 homeless persons whom I work with.
So far the outcome has been amazing, like amazing.
I have recorded 5 tracks and have room for another 2-3.
Basically I have been inviting homeless persons that I work with to come into the studio for a few hours and let them play with a vast amount of pedals, synths and instruments.
So far the feedback has been great, most people are so happy to be connected to music in some form and it breaks the monotonous isolation they have day in day out.
The grant has allowed us to record a cd worth of noise and we have enough money to produce 500 profession cds with great local artist doing the art.
The cd will be given away free at local music shops and cafes.
I will have a handful for trade (pro cds only sorry for this one) in late October when it will ,be pressed and ready to ship
The stuff ranges from harsh noise to fuzzed out drone
If anyone does a fanzine please feel free to do an interview
This is a cool project.