Absurd Exposition 9/21/19: BLOOMER / MK9 / THE RITA / TASKMASTER

Started by absurdexposition, September 21, 2019, 06:44:56 PM

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9/21/19: Four New Releases on Absurd Exposition

Physical: https://www.screamandwrithe.com
Digital: https://absurdexposition.bandcamp.com

BLOOMER – Battle's Sign CS
Operating as FLATLINE CONSTRUCT as well as his own name since the late 90s, Ryan Bloomer is someone that should be synonymous with Canadian harsh noise. His Trauma Tone label and custom-built noise devices solidified his status in the genre's canon of the 2000s. Alongside his solo efforts on various legendary labels such as Harsh Head Rituals, New Forces, Self Abuse, Troniks, etc. Bloomer has worked in various collaborative projects with the likes of Dominick Fernow (PRURIENT) and Sam McKinlay (THE RITA). Now with a re-adoption of the BLOOMER moniker, 'Battle's Sign' delivers an extremely satisfying barrage of crumbling decay and ranks high as a personal favourite under the Absurd Exposition banner.

Edition of 110 pro-dubbed on white tapes with one-sided pad-printed labels. Includes download code.

MK9 – Contaminants CS
For the past fifteen years Michael Nine, the man behind the infamous DEATH SQUAD, has been taking a more sonically-subdued, but no less intrusive, approach to showcasing the weightiness of the human condition through his project MK9.

The varying scenes of post-apocalyptic deconstruction and barrenness found throughout 'Contaminants' are interchangeably representative of a dead and dying world and a mind being slowly crushed under that weight or, perhaps moreso, a mind being crushed under the weight of its own self.

Tethered to the constants of self-annihilation. A radioactive sunset is always on the horizon.

Edition of 101 pro-dubbed on beige tapes. Includes download code.

THE RITA – Sharks and the Female Form CS
The aesthetics and patterns of a woman's physical form violently and tragically manipulated in the arts.

A revisit of classic sharks/women fetish themes and crackling walls synonymous with THE RITA.

Originally released in 2018 by Old Europa Cafe as a special limited edition of 39 copies, Absurd Exposition is happy to work with OEC to reissue this in a more accessible standard edition.

Edition of 100 pro-dubbed on black tapes with one-sided pad-printed labels. Includes download code. Co-released with Old Europa Cafe.

At long last, TASKMASTER finds his way to Absurd Exposition.

An oft-revered project operating in the harshest realms of Canadian noise for nearly fifteen years now. This latest offering provides two variations on a theme... where the theme is dragging your own face across burning asphalt for a quarter of an hour – only stopping to turn the other cheek and repeat the process before throwing yourself into the abyss where none but the filthiest, ugliest, most horrendous dark entities can exist.

Coming off of a recent tape on FTAM Productions, as well as last year's split with KAKERLAK on Narcolepsia, this is part of a much-welcomed increase of activity.

Edition of 103 pro-dubbed on blue-tinted tapes. Includes download code. Artwork by Claudia Burneo.

Physical: https://www.screamandwrithe.com
Digital: https://absurdexposition.bandcamp.com

Primitive Isolation Tactics
Scream & Writhe distro and Absurd Exposition label
Montreal, QC