I would be. Even the regular dvd seems to have much more issues than regular CD, but the damn burned discs. Especially those with a lot of material. With little bit cheaper player, just forget. The nice double layer feature when movie just freezes when layer is changing. The fragile surfaces, the expected decay to become rubbish.
This is what I thought about that Cleveland industrial documentary DVD(r?). I guess it says pro-duplicated, but what the fuck that means anymore in the noise/industrial scene? I didn't want to ask to clarify, but it does say in rules of board that one should be clear what you are selling, and it's no news at this point to anyone, that there are plenty of people who don't want to buy CDR sold to them as CD. It's less task to say R than circle around the fact with fancy sale speech.
Not long ago was published that En Nihil new CD. I ask from guy is this CD or CDR, due pressing was quite small (yet doable as CD). He says it is pro-done. I ask so, is it CD or CDR? He goes, it's pro-done with silver reading surface and shrinkwrapped, ok!? I though I'm not going to beg more, so I just take them to support the return of this nice project. And what do you know, CDR's arrive. So, should I try to sell CDR for price of CD? Should I complain? I decided not to. Just sell for price I find reasonable and thats it.
You see Bloodlust opening his new webshop. While re-starting the whole it would be easy to tell he's selling CDR's. But no. In fact, the previously done compromise after Noisefanatics topics that he actually mentions "-R", is again abandoned. Now it's again just scamming you like usual. I commented it privately, and big surprise no response.
You would think, document of Boyd Rice would interest at least 100 people. And this is the amount you can do real dvd. Cheap and easy. Anywhere in world. If you don't want to, could be honest to tell what it is. So this is primarily american phenomena isn't it?