GM Electronics 'Tales of the Unknown', a new digital-only free/nameyourprice full-length by GM Electronics, the first release in 5 years.
Mostly synth-based experimental noise, or whatever people call it these days. Consists of sessions that were started aeons ago, then repeatedly revisited and shelved again over the last 10 years, and now finally recorded and mixed. mini-review of 'Tales of the Unknown' kindly provided by FMS, a friend of mine who neither makes nor listens to noise:
1. Smither the Hound - The screams of anguish as a guitar melts in nuclear waste
2. Seen through the Window of - A rapid pulsar star being consumed by a black hole
3. Searching the Unknown - A face scanning police drone flying through a futuristic city screaming at people
5. Nothing Quantified - Angry alien lizard stalking the green desert of a distant planet that then encounters a big angry alien bird and they fight to the death as a bigger predator growls in the background and then eats both of them
6. And Then Galaxies Float into Place - Universe being born, but something goes wrong, but then it fixes itself through mediative willpower and finally all the stars and galaxies float into place
7. Floating in Static - Ghosts trying to communicate through headphones connected to a bad soundcard where the volume is turned up way too loudAlso,
Joshua Norton Cabal 'Inner Light' album, originally released on CD in 2010, is currently available as a digital album, for anyone who remembers JNC and missed the CD when it was first released. To me, this remains one of the best noise albums I've ever heard.
The pro pressed CDs will hopefully be available again later this year. If anyone is interested in purchasing the album but prefers to own the physical release, I recommend to wait a few months.