Marco Dolcetta's series of VHS "IL nazismo esoterico" covered, not always perfectly, many topics. 12 vhs series putting together from the classic "black new age" of occult Hitlerism, wandervogel with all its gay undertones, Evola, Codrean (definitely interesting but surely not very occult), a completely over the top Serrano's interview in his home, Savitri Devi (Jay!), the elders of Zion book (cool because it traces the origin, but again what is so occult about a libel case?), very confused nazi ufo, Islam & national socialism, Tibet, etc etc. The VHS were both brilliant and hilarious, with some total nonsense, but the booklet going with that were very interesting and well documented.
The guy behind the operation was able to get in touch with some not-very open people, who trusted him, gave contacts, but then regretted it.
It was crazy I bought these in news stand. Unfortunately I lost all booklets and one of the tapes (sadly the one about the Exersteine, that was brilliant).