Other music forums

Started by accidental, June 22, 2020, 10:52:27 PM

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Are there any other active forums of today that are any good? I don't know of any. Forums that focus on any type of music or different from what's the main focus here? Or is it all facebook, instagram and such today?

I was lurking ihatemusic some years ago. It was good. Had some good writers. People who could articulate their opinions. That forum is pretty much dead now. And serve a purpose more as an archive than an active forum.


The Black Vault forum is really active if you like black metal (especially NSBM), but a lot of the threads tend to shift to discussions about current politics/scene drama.


There is a list here


and blogs


And you can see many are extinct or dying... like I hate music...
Maniacs, Troniks and NoiseGuide have ceased...




I've looked at reddit   https://www.reddit.com/r/noisemusic/

Sadly though IMO none offer any actual discussions which one once found other than the superficial. Like alt.noise years ago.
Now https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/alt.noise

Again dead. I think there are some groups on facebook, but i cant manage FB !!


Quote from: accidental on June 25, 2020, 04:47:08 PM
Thanks for the replies.

Not really big on black metal, but i assumed there was some metal forums around.

I've looked at Steve Hoffman a couple of times but it didn't get me hooked. I'll have another look.

I'm familiar with Dereck. Huge collection and wide interesting taste. But i can't enjoy his videos much. Maybe it's the pace, length, off topic talk and so on. I've tried a couple of other VC-videos by other people. If they start showing the color of the vinyl i'm out. The only record-youtube video i've really enjoyed was some young girl into post-punk/indie. It's deleted now. Amoeba is great though.

What i look for in a forum is mostly a thread with reviews. This forum is great at that. And also band-specific threads where comments and reviews are shared on a specific band or project.

Noisewiki forum was news to me. Looked active too.

As for reviews I assume you are aware of Vital Weekly?


If we talk about the more technical/gear side of things, not focused on noise, there are still very interesting forums with lively discussions and depth of knowledge not found on social media. Some are great for discussion, some are good for information only but that's okay too. If we talk about the youth or people below 30 or 40, most of the discussions have been moved to 'the socials'. Certainly is a shame!

If we talk about pure music forums, I think only a few are left alive. Grimeforums is dead. IHATEBREAKCORE is dead. even most general Dutch music forums are dead. However DogsOnAcid is still living somehow.
Straight murkin' riddim blud, absolute vile gash


haha havent heard any mention of dogsonacid in a long mile, xlent!

dont forget muffwiggler.com ! modular synth, tech, diy, software, releases...


Quote from: accidental on June 22, 2020, 10:52:27 PM
Are there any other active forums of today that are any good? I don't know of any. Forums that focus on any type of music or different from what's the main focus here? Or is it all facebook, instagram and such today?

I was lurking ihatemusic some years ago. It was good. Had some good writers. People who could articulate their opinions. That forum is pretty much dead now. And serve a purpose more as an archive than an active forum.

Fuck no.

This has a high level of intelligence because the genre is super niche.
This is the best one I've ever seen.

But I'm a bit biased, maybe, because I respect a lot of the creators / musicians / artists on this site.


"I do not get bored of nude ladies nor good Japanese noise"


Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on June 22, 2020, 11:10:56 PM
The Black Vault forum is really active if you like black metal (especially NSBM), but a lot of the threads tend to shift to discussions about current politics/scene drama.

How many aliases has the chinless wonder from Absurd got on there at the moment?


North Central
Mademoiselle Bistouri
Cytokine Storm
Bleeding Cosmos
Daddy's Entertainment.



Quote from: Stipsi on July 05, 2020, 05:20:04 PM

Don't go to much on it, but seems a nice one.

Are there any discussion there, or just sharing album downloads?


Quote from: Leewar on July 05, 2020, 05:14:44 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on June 22, 2020, 11:10:56 PM
The Black Vault forum is really active if you like black metal (especially NSBM), but a lot of the threads tend to shift to discussions about current politics/scene drama.

How many aliases has the chinless wonder from Absurd got on there at the moment?

As far as I know, only one.


Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on July 05, 2020, 07:52:17 PM
Quote from: Stipsi on July 05, 2020, 05:20:04 PM

Don't go to much on it, but seems a nice one.

Are there any discussion there, or just sharing album downloads?

There was some discussions if i remember well
North Central
Mademoiselle Bistouri
Cytokine Storm
Bleeding Cosmos
Daddy's Entertainment.



Quote from: Stipsi on July 06, 2020, 05:42:22 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on July 05, 2020, 07:52:17 PM
Quote from: Stipsi on July 05, 2020, 05:20:04 PM

Don't go to much on it, but seems a nice one.

Are there any discussion there, or just sharing album downloads?

There was some discussions if i remember well

I have come across the forum a couple of times, and always thought that it looked interesting.  From the looks of it, a lot of the userbase/language-used is Russian or something.  I will have to look through it more closely.


Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on July 06, 2020, 06:44:05 PM
Quote from: Stipsi on July 06, 2020, 05:42:22 PM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on July 05, 2020, 07:52:17 PM
Quote from: Stipsi on July 05, 2020, 05:20:04 PM

Don't go to much on it, but seems a nice one.

Are there any discussion there, or just sharing album downloads?

There was some discussions if i remember well

I have come across the forum a couple of times, and always thought that it looked interesting.  From the looks of it, a lot of the userbase/language-used is Russian or something.  I will have to look through it more closely.

Best to run in Chrome with auto translate. I've only poked my head in there now and again as it wasn't super active, at least not in the subforums I was interested in.
Primitive Isolation Tactics
Scream & Writhe distro and Absurd Exposition label
Montreal, QC