"L'eclipse Vive" is an artistic dialog between Entre Vifs, the legendary French bruitiste unit, and L'eclipse new, the American industrial noise project with its origins in Tokyo. This work in progress or work in decay, according to the sources - began in the early month of 2019, and continued throughout the course of one year. The starting point was an aborted session of Entre Vifs prematurely concluded by the cries of distress of an overloaded digital delay.
The (sort of) common thread was provided by a development of sound that doesn't reach its own conclusion and is waiting for a provisory solution or negation by the next track.
It is from this succession of disturbances that emerges the overall dynamic, out of any "project" of sound composition, by the sole virtue of the creative chaos.
This is truly a back and forth exchange throughout, culminating with the final track which features a collaboration between both artists.
Both Entre vids and L'eclipse new have appeared on CD on the aussaat label before: Entre Vifs with 2018's "Ontologie" and 2019's "Offrande et Partage", and L'eclipse Nue with "Lifeblood" in 2018. Especially considering L'eclipse Nue's publicly professed admiration for the work of entre Vifs, and both artists' relationship with Aussaat, it was very natural for this project to come to fruition in this way.
CD in jewel box, price: 13 euro (+ postage)
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