A release worthy of note is "Forest Ritual" (Nil by Mouth) by Instinct Primal and Purba. There is a companion release, "Sky Burial" (BeTon) also with unique, handmade packaging. Both releases are from 2018.
"Forest Ritual" comes tied in wire twine with cheesecloth covering the cassette and inserts. The cheesecloth looks worn and far from mass manufactured cleanliness. It has the rough-cut edges, dirt and threadbare element of having "been there." Inside are printed image cards / booklet on rough-hewn paper. Dirt and a bit of grass complete the package.
"Sky Burial" is more slick and cleanly arranged. It is also a CD. Carefully knitted ribbon meticulously wraps a small, cast vulture's skull as for a necklace. The imagery is professionally printed. Everything is enclosed in a cloth bag that, in opposition to the cheesecloth of its cousin, is undeniably manufactured.
The sounds agree with their divergent packaging. My personal aesthetic is biased toward the former release's roughness. Both recordings are equally stunning in entirely different methods while holding the same core elements of voice, field ambience and minimal percussion.
"Forest Ritual" stands out for having an aura of personal, place-specific je ne sais quoi which imbues the recording with more than it would have alone. "Sky Burial" is more documentary and rational—literal in physical reference rather than tactile. Both, though, show the same care of thought and handmade effort and are worth highlighting.