Below is a private message that a member (Theodore) wanted me to publish. The question I asked was what did he do, if anything?. Was he just a troll?
"Funny and sad on the same time is that people like you dont seem to understand how much they embarrassing themselves.
And that was my only and last PM to you. Whatever you want to tell me, tell it in public, in the future. You may get an answer then. Though i doubt, if they are like your last post ...
You had enough time with me, more than you deserve. See, i am not in mood now to laugh with you."
Yes this sounds like I'm crying about it.
There's two ways that making noise goes.
One is lying, deferral, basic I know it's crap but I like it.
Second is No Shit, pay up you cunt, it feels good, works for me, but I like it, etc
Its not defensive, it's a topic that could be discussed.
And like the gatekeeper topic, noise is made because it needs to be. Fuck ego, fuck trolls, this will fuck all those cunts, fuck them........................