Started by FreakAnimalFinland, November 29, 2020, 10:54:53 AM

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After many considerations, SI #12 will be published in January 2021!

As one probably knows, from #11 onwards 40/A4 pages is the intended format.

There was idea to return "back to basics" so to say. New lay-out, some other changes as well. Try to avoid necessity of greating magnum opus. Just a 'zine that gets done. Hopefully these measures will make it doable to publish 2 issues a year. Size of magazine measured to be optimal for the shipping costs. Well, there are multiple reasons why issue(s) keep delaying, but things look good.

Material for #12 is ready, lay-out starting to be assemble. To get your ads in, reserve space and then send the ad before christmas and thing should be wrapped up and in print for early January!

To make things simple, there are just two ad sizes. Full page or half page. Note that due design resons, ads have always white margins, not covering entire page. Remember while designing ad.

Check prices and technical details here, and contact via email to reserve space. All black & white.

Those buying adds, will get few free copies of zine. As many as fits in the envelope.

E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net