Two new debut noise tapes out on Satatuhatta
Seppo Henrik Räty is a legendary Finnish track and field athlete who competed in the javelin throw. He was a World Champion, having won gold in 1987. He was nicknamed Tohmajärven karhu ("The Bear of Tohmajärvi") and Tohmajärven tykki ("The Cannon of Tohmajärvi").
The Räty is a tribute to this Finnish powerhouse. True athletic harsh noise wall. 40 minutes of powerful sound with a minimal twist. SHUT - SCUFF MARKS C20 (SATATUHATTA-10)
"Scuff Marks" is a debut release of new Finnish harsh noise project Corral Shut. It continues the well-proven path of Finnish scrap metal noise. The sense of dynamics and qualities of used junk metal makes it really stand out, from rural hands-on atmosphere to screeching feedback, all boiling down to strong compositions of harsh noise., wholesale, trades or via bandcamp. 6€ / tape + postage.