Started by WCN, October 18, 2021, 11:45:20 PM

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Bloated Slutbag

Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 17, 2023, 09:39:09 AM
Still today, I talk to people and they mention they haven't got anything done, because have been so busy. And turns out, that "busy", means: games. TV-series.

Catching shades of Black Flag here...
Someone weaker than you should beat you and brag
And take you for a drag


Quote from: host body on January 18, 2023, 01:51:40 PM
yes themes are universal, but video games don't touch heavier themes at all, or if they do it's in a over the top, shallow, very melodramatic way. but perhaps i used the wrong word there, general aesthetics are so different in gaming than the old analog world noise is still very much based on. and now games are the #1 past time, there's a whole generation who's only and every influence comes from gaming, and they're already making noise. bandcamp is full of that anime aesthetic stuff. it hasn't really found it's way onto the tape culture or "legitimate" labels, but it's bound to i think.

When said like this, I do get. But, at the same time, it would be probably fact that 90% of noise doesn't, and never has touched heavier themes at all. Aesthetically there is so much diversity in noise, even among loudest and harshest noise, that bringing computer game aesthetic probably ain't changing much. Now seeing animation / 3D game aesthetics, could perhaps make one think it's so 2005'ish L-White rec! haha..

E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


OUT NOW: Sam Risser of JUTE on WCN Podcast!

JUTE is a newer harsh noise project from Canada, intriguing die-hards with his rugged yet futuristic sound and fresh attitude, with just a handful of releases under his belt. We had a great conversation about his harsh work, and the techno-political themes that compel him, which spilled over into all sorts of adjacent topics.


In the EXT. video on the Patreon, Sam gets into some pretty interesting insider info about the global tape supply from his time working for Canada's biggest cassette tape supplier. There is also an exclusive 20 minute JUTE / BLUE SUNSHINE Video EP available for the Maniac's Circle.

Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports


Quote from: WCN on January 23, 2023, 07:23:33 PM
We had a great conversation about his harsh work, and the techno-political themes that compel him, which spilled over into all sorts of adjacent topics.

I liked the approach that it very quickly went into "techno-political themes", as opposed to stay merely in sound. Even if critique and conclusions are kind of the usual, despite being usual, they are not really addressed so often in a way that it would lead to making a choice. Like talk about weirdness that global hardcore punk (and noise) scene relies almost exclusively on IG. It is pragmatic, certainly, but something bugs me in that.

One concrete thing is, that if label or band chooses to exists solely in social media, I would still strongly urge to have some place where contact info can be found. There is nothing more annoying than label putting out stuff, artists churning new releases, and only way to get in touch is to "DM". As if they were the doormen of multinational corporations, forcing in the remaining luddities who just have to join social media to even communicate for very basic things like could I purchase your tape?

For some things we have options. Video format is tough, as besides youtube, there is not really good services. Put your stuff on vimeo and at least over here, it is so slow service that watching 1 hour podcast probably would take 2-3 hours with the loading, hah.. Other smaller services seems the same thing. So for pragmatic reasons youtube seems doable. For many other things you have options.

When Jute talks about noise making like using clay, it made me think of this older Canadian noise/experimental project called WANTING TO WORK WITH CLAY. They had split tape with Grunt sometime mid 90's.

E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 24, 2023, 09:38:00 AM
When Jute talks about noise making like using clay, it made me think of this older Canadian noise/experimental project called WANTING TO WORK WITH CLAY. They had split tape with Grunt sometime mid 90's.

Do you recall any more info about this project, which part of Canada they were from or who was involved?
Primitive Isolation Tactics
Scream & Writhe distro and Absurd Exposition label
Montreal, QC


I would guess that not all is noise, at least by todays standard. Grunt split is this echoing weird sound, but band line-up credits real instruments and all that. I got master tape back then from guy from Mexican Power Authority, which was weird punk-jazz-grind. I would assume they are from same region. I got the full length C-60 from WTWWC, but haven't listened it for decades.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 24, 2023, 09:38:00 AM
For some things we have options. Video format is tough, as besides youtube, there is not really good services.

Couldnt porn 'tube' sites be an alternative for 'banned' / controversial stuff ? Dont know. Or if it's not porn it gets down ? Yes, YouTube has some convenience with tools like 'automatic translation' or you can watch it on TV quickly through the app, but well, we cant have everything ...

I think it was Neons who had uploaded a video on Motherless.
"ἀθάνατοι θνητοί, θνητοὶ ἀθάνατοι, ζῶντες τὸν ἐκείνων θάνατον, τὸν δὲ ἐκείνων βίον τεθνεῶτες"


Otherwise, a good complement is the following website. It depends on how 'public' you want everything to be: https://www.archive.org. Another suggestion would be to build the actual archive through a purchased server site and upload it there. Then program a service, and charge a certain amount to maintain it.
Label/mailorder: https://www.skuggsidan.net
Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/seller/SkuggsidanElitMusik/profile  
Inquiries/customer service: skuggsidan@protonmail.com  
Bandcamp: https://skuggsidan111.bandcamp.com/


Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on January 24, 2023, 08:14:30 PM
I would guess that not all is noise, at least by todays standard. Grunt split is this echoing weird sound, but band line-up credits real instruments and all that. I got master tape back then from guy from Mexican Power Authority, which was weird punk-jazz-grind. I would assume they are from same region. I got the full length C-60 from WTWWC, but haven't listened it for decades.

Likely Vancouver Island region, then. Hermit territory... Boros must have some intel. Thanks!
Primitive Isolation Tactics
Scream & Writhe distro and Absurd Exposition label
Montreal, QC


All this talk about Canada makes me want to visit the country. So please let me know if there are any events to visit; with a bit of forethought, this is not entirely impossible to arrange.
Label/mailorder: https://www.skuggsidan.net
Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/seller/SkuggsidanElitMusik/profile  
Inquiries/customer service: skuggsidan@protonmail.com  
Bandcamp: https://skuggsidan111.bandcamp.com/

Fistfuck Masonanie

Definitely heard the name Jute, or saw the name in distros, but never got around to listening to the artist. I always love seeing noise veterans on WCN, but it's also nice being exposed to "newer" artists. Listened to the first track on that Contempt tape and it's a crusher. Really attentive and skilled building of layers. Will have to get a copy of the tape.

Also agree it was kind of nice getting into some other discussions outside of sounds. Some of the technology-based philosophies surrounding the scene and general life that impact us all. I also really enjoyed hearing some of the technical talk about editing or audio engineering from someone who is well-versed and educated in the manner. The scene is very much built on DIY, self-education, and the like, but the other side can be just as interesting and can expand the collective knowledge base. I'm sure a few ears perked up about the Amadeus software haha.

Eager to learn more about the artist and some of the newer names I've seen floating around.

P.S. Enjoying the longer audio segments at the start to get a taste of the sounds. Video EP was also very cool idea for additional content.


I'm offering the forthcoming INCAPACITANTS / SAVAGE GOSPEL CD as a gift to all Maniac's Circle Patreon supporters, ahead of the release date. Everyone who is signed up by Feb. 5 will receive it in the mail for free!


Thank you for your support!
Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports


There's a new episode of Label Spill with Vilho Koivisto of Satatuhatta out now on WCN TV. In this episode, Vilho and I talk shop about recent struggles with the cassette format, giving feedback as a label owner, and generally about his awesome label. You can see the full 1.5 hour episode, as well as a bunch of other WCN TV episodes, at https://www.patreon.com/whitecentipedenoise
Harsh Noise label and EU based distro of American Imports


Quote from: WCN on January 30, 2023, 07:26:31 PM
There's a new episode of Label Spill with Vilho Koivisto of Satatuhatta out now on WCN TV. In this episode, Vilho and I talk shop about recent struggles with the cassette format, giving feedback as a label owner, and generally about his awesome label. You can see the full 1.5 hour episode, as well as a bunch of other WCN TV episodes, at https://www.patreon.com/whitecentipedenoise

Halfway through this now and it's been excellent. Really going into detail about the anatomy of tapes for example! Ahhhh, I love it.


Vilho has made many great releases, including Secret Apex and Pain Appendix, to name a few close to my heart. It would have been interesting to hear a bit more regarding the underlying attitude behind the thoughts of the releases in general. Hopefully, Vilho can keep up the pace, continue with his business, and convey even more great releases. A spontaneous thought is if this grew out of boredom of the pandemic. Because this phenomenon appeared out of nowhere, I had never heard of this distro that just appeared a couple of years ago.
Label/mailorder: https://www.skuggsidan.net
Discogs: https://www.discogs.com/seller/SkuggsidanElitMusik/profile  
Inquiries/customer service: skuggsidan@protonmail.com  
Bandcamp: https://skuggsidan111.bandcamp.com/