Zenta Sustained - Serpent Track Patterns 12" out now (Ryan Bloomer/Sam McKinlay)

Started by absurdexposition, November 25, 2022, 08:11:00 PM

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Zenta Sustained - Serpent Track Patterns 12" (Absurd Exposition, AE68)

New 2022 material from the cult collaborative project between Ryan Bloomer (Flatline Construct, Intensive Care) and Sam McKinlay (The Rita).

Throttling harsh noise for deconstructed study patterns.

Edition of 221 copies.

Available at https://www.screamandwrithe.com

Labels/distros are encouraged to get in touch for wholesale/trades.
Primitive Isolation Tactics
Scream & Writhe distro and Absurd Exposition label
Montreal, QC


Just checked it out on Bandcamp. Great stuff, been a while since I listened to noise that minimalist. Will pick up the LP once it makes it overseas and have to dig out some of their earlier stuff (pretty sure I have the CD with the large Biteworks artwork somewhere).