Yeah, all the comments in there are kind of ironic and "taken from rotten West" to show how horribly people live there. Under that particular photo the comment says that "The dollar became so weak that it is cheaper to sleep on them than to buy a sofa. USA".
Comment under the fourth photo says "ecological installation in Brussels, Belgium"
10th photo - "girls are walking past the trumph arc, Paris, France"
12th - overground rail line in New York, USA
17th photo - graffiti on the wall says Kant is a faggot. and the comment - supporters of Hegel declares their disagreements with philosophy of Kant
20th photo - cannibal Friedrich Muhler rests in a park after a difficult day at work, Munchen, Germany
22th - Chaos in the flat of the writer Chuck Palahnuk does not prevent him from writing excellent novels. Washington, USA
and so on