Great thread. The subject has fascinated me from a very young age when I first stumbled upon gang stalking and targeted individual blogs. It was easy to see, even then, that the similarities between delusions always took on a particular character which I now recognize as the hallmark of schizophrenia/manic episodes. Now, working with clients who often are suffering from combined homelessness and substance abuse, I've become more adept at recognizing the patterns in speech and writing that continually crop up in long-form rambling essays and videos.
Of those who make videos in the TI/gangstalking community, there are more creators than stars in the known universe. Moreover, as one might imagine individuals with paranoid delusions often do, these channels and videos often get deleted overnight. Given the privileged position we have as the viewer, I can't help but think of the following and demise of
Terry A. Davis and Temple OS. Occasionally, for one reason or another, these individuals gain notoriety as a spectacle, but often times the end, like for so many who struggle with mental health, is the same.
I've saved a couple, however, that for one reason or another have kept my attention:
Matthew Urzua-Road To SobrietySelf-described recovered meth addict chronicling his recovery and journey with faith. The few comments on the videos reply in kind with scripture passages and support.
Matthew, in the bathroom, describing his philosophy of "negativeism". speaking on healing and judgement. Chase ( I am not gay not never)He's not gay. He is terrorized by the Satellite Man. the account I most wonder about, given the last post being 9 nears ago. It is a couple who believe they are being psychically attacked with plasma and a "military weapons system." Throughout their really sporadic uploads they film themselves suffering from various "attacks" and the effects that the attacks have had on their bodies. While obviously unwell mentally, on some level I can't help but wonder if there has ever been a case of someone's delusions being correct but discredited on account of their illness. Much of their videos speak to aeresolized chemicals leaching into the environment and livestock, and, while VERY unlikely, it wouldn't be the first time American citizens have suffered from the results of government projects (see: consequences of atomic testing in the desert).
Evidence for so-called chemical weapons and electronic weapon systems in use of weapons systems being used in the home, resulting in shattered teeth of the wife suffering from nausea and vomiting following increased "signal" activity of YouTube, Tumblr used to be a safe haven for self-harm content although much of this has disappeared altogether following the company's move away from not-safe-for-work content. Like the eating disorder content on there, it was a sea of young women posting "inspirational" images or images that reflected their emotions followed by stomach-wrenching photographs of their bodies. Of these,
@coldnessinmyheart was the worst. Most of their photos are still available to my knowledge, having been archived by other internet users. They're bad. Not so much individual lacerations but a patchwork of near bone-deep gashes up and down all exposed flesh. I genuinely have no idea if she's still alive, but, given the severity of the wounds, it wouldn't be a surprise if, intentionally or not, the self-harm had ended her life.
On a different note, most things written or recorded by school shooters are unintentionally hilarious. Given the nature of shooting defenseless children, it is thus fitting that most of the creative and personal material left in their wake is less the ramblings of a remorseless killer and moreso what you might find in a teenage girl's LiveJournal.
Randy Stair's amateur YouTube career, both leading up to and following his obsession with a Nickelodeon cartoon character for which he would go on a rampage at his workplace, is chronicled here: though, this concludes with the "Westborough High Massacre"--a failed attempt at animating a school shooting, foiled by his choice of animators who ended up sticking him with the unfinished animation which he hastily cobbled together with stick figure and notebook drawings play written by Seung-Hui Cho titled "Richard McBeef" for a class. The prospect of him sitting down and penning this is hilarious., while I'd argue he's less so mentally unwell and more so creatively gifted beyond measure, Anthony Jeffrey's output as
Tonetta I hold near and dear to my heart, While his music stands on its own as ahead-of-its-time psych-rock, the music videos and art are a garish masterclass in muscle-bound glam transvestism and there's really nothing quite like it. He's also , last I checked, a recluse who also paints with his shit. I still would give anything for an official release of his music.
Music video for "My bro" video for "Can't wait to make love"