White Watch

Started by Litharge, May 23, 2011, 09:51:57 AM

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Quote from: pestdemon on May 27, 2011, 03:46:36 PM
That's right, people left Finland for the prosperous west before the 80's rather than arriving there...

"en Finne igen"  Wasnt that saying(is still?) in Sweden when some hassle happened, drunken fight/disorder etc.

This is cold and harsh place, especially for Africans. Just recently heard radio program where was stated that highly educated(doctors,lawyers etc.) ngrs in Somalia, they go to USA and western Europe. Nobody wants to come here in a first place. the lowest of the low will end up here up north. 


Finns in Sweden = Hatemaster Harri of BOTC. Enough said I guess.

I don't know much about Finland's economy in the 60's, but the problems were in Sweden rather than Finland, Turkey, Jugoslavia or wherever the immigrants came from back then - we had too much money and a too small population so we needed your manly muscles to empower our working classes.

QuoteHowever, statistics still tell things. They talk about cultural issues, which ties around ethnic issues.

Also, which criminals are the most likely to end up in the statistics - west Africans more likely to be accused & victims be taken seriously? No matter what the reality of the criminality is, the legal system will always strike harder on certain groups. That is the poor. But I don't know, I'm not a sociologist.


Without any in depth knowledge of crime stats or anything one blatant difference is that the 50's to 70's generation of immigrants were of an economic kind. They were with few exceptions ordinary working stiffs who had some form of qualification and more importantly a job waiting for them. They settled pretty fast and although integration didn't happen the way it perhaps should have there hasn't been that much of a problem.

The kind who arrived after that first wave were/are from far away war torn shitholes where oppression is rife and life is violent, short and worth very little. And often without so much as a pot to piss in. Of course their impact on the countries they settle in will be different to the previous lot.

Först när du blottar strupen ska du få nåd, ditt as...


yes, I mentioned the power structure of money before, but I do think there is simply other side, which is not simply result of the poorness. I mean, there are poor people all around, but what is the treatment of for example women or children varies greatly. Where certain cultural heritage remains predominant attitude, even if would be even blatantly illegal or commonly viewed as wrong in new surroundings.

I think one can't forever justify happenings of current world by excuse that someone else did this and that in past. Now we face different problems, simply due issues of population, overuse of resources, easiness of mass movement, and as Great Ectasy points out, very different reasons and motivations to move in. ....etc.
It's is a tough future to look at. I guess it was mr. Linkola among the others who used the good old lifeboat reference. There is 20 people in ocean. Lifeboat can only carry 15. What should be done? For sake of morally right, do we aim to get all 20 in. And everybody will drown. Or does someone have guts to say, sorry, but no thanks. It is the shitty life to be the last one looking boat to sail away, especially if you always were the one, but there simply might not be any other option.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
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Todays refugee policy is here truly outragerous and destroying this country (Finland) little by little. The big diffrence to refugees/immigrants in old times was that there was no system of blindly caressing hippie group that will wipe your ass for you. You had to work hard and take a lot of racist abuse and even physical violence to earn your position in society. Once you had some kind of a proof that you are more than a no good parasite, people might slowly start to accept.
But even this does not remove the main problem of refugees, that they should also leave this country after certain period of time. I assume they are not supposed to come here to stay. This is why I reject big time integrating them too much to our society and most of all giving them citizenships.

Jaakko V.

Quote from: MT on May 29, 2011, 09:21:40 AMThe big diffrence to refugees/immigrants in old times was that there was no system of blindly caressing hippie group that will wipe your ass for you. You had to work hard and take a lot of racist abuse and even physical violence to earn your position in society. Once you had some kind of a proof that you are more than a no good parasite, people might slowly start to accept.
But even this does not remove the main problem of refugees, that they should also leave this country after certain period of time. I assume they are not supposed to come here to stay. This is why I reject big time integrating them too much to our society and most of all giving them citizenships.

I agree that the overt ass-wiping you mention might sometimes be counter-productive, but what are you basing this on? Before 1990 the refugees were mainly people from Vietnam. Finland was an extremely violent and hostile country towards the Vietnamese? Lots of violence etc? I don't think so. Socially it was probably much easier for them to be here, they integrated well, they worked hard and caused no trouble. I certainly wouldn't say they're destroying our culture. In fact I think it was quite easy for black people as well, when compared to post-1990 with the tsunami of Somali immigrants (1990 - 15 times more than before) and the immediate polarisation of politics and opinion causing both exaggerated tolerance and racist violence. Being a black man in Finland before that... Well, it was a thing of curiosity, I mean it was allowed to do stuff like Pekka ja pätkä neekereinä haha - because in a way Finns were in fact quite tolerant and curious towards other people, albeit naively.



Perhaps a bit exaggerating, but if there was acts of violence, don't think they were much reported because people simply didn't care back then? This is my own assumption. But my point was where you mention the vietnamese. People who don't cause trouble, do their share in society (work) will get accepted at some point. This is exactly what niggers these days are not doing. Some of them work, sure, but fair share of them don't. Is it a reason to resent them all? Perhaps not. But I can't single out every single individual, if I see a major problem with this kind of a group, it is better to bolt them all out.


It's always exaggeration. If you look at the so called real problems in society, I would tend to think they relate to higher political level than few immigrants. If we look at the financial damage - and the results it causes, one simply could look at highest level of political decisions. I would recommend anyone to check out for example ongoing tax law process. What is the responses media has been able to get from already proven corrupted politicians making decisions that doesn't seem to make any sense. At the same time talk about few nickels that few immigrants may get, is drop in the ocean when compared to utmost ass-rape and theft committed by leaders and businesses they are closely related.
So in a way, I see the logic blaming any anti-immigrant argument to be based on racism, and perhaps also could admit it is so. It may be attempted to intellectualize or prove to be something else, but most certainly in moment when you rather see funds used to preserving norppa than preserving negroe, it perhaps exposes certain style how you value things.

However, discussions of this kind of matters should not be taken utmost hysterical seriousness. I think the "internet total war" and power electronics/industrial-noise has many things in common:


Totaalisen Sodan© kauneus ei siis perustu ensisijaisesti rivouksien latelemiseen. Kauneus on konfliktissa, joka syntyy, kun kaksi täysin eri säännöillä toimivaa maailmankaikkeutta internetin ansiosta on jatkuvassa kosketuksessa, ja kummankin maailmankaikkeuden edustajat kuvittelevat maailmankaikkeuksia olevan vain yksi. Jälkimmäisen tosiasian vuoksi asianosaiset eivät pääsääntöisesti näe tilanteessa mitään hauskaa. Pöntiskoskien näkökulmasta internetissä riehuu kaoottinen ja holtiton törkyturpa Lehto. Lehdon näkökulmasta Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajiin, ja kaikkiin muihinkin paikkoihin, on pesiytynyt laskematon määrä ryssäläismielisiä komurunkkuja, jotka eivät ymmärrä yksinkertaisia asioita. Valistunut lukija on siunatussa asemassa, koska hän voi seurata konfliktia kärpäsenä katossa, tietoisena siitä, että kaksi ulottuvuutta sotii keskenään, sekä siitä, että kumpikin ulottuvuus luulee olevansa ainoa.

I think the whole thing could be modified to be text about nature of power electronics. One can't fully support idea that for example Filth & Violence or Freak Animal would be simply equivalent of the master Seppo Lehto for example, but there is certain similarities in the works. Even within underground "scene", it is the collision where two universums meet. I guess this full text above should be translated and modified for purpose to see something about "noise"...
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


Quote from: Jaakko V. on May 29, 2011, 10:33:01 AM
.... In fact I think it was quite easy for black people as well, when compared to post-1990 with the tsunami of Somali immigrants (1990 - 15 times more than before) and the immediate polarisation of politics and opinion causing both exaggerated tolerance and racist violence. Being a black man in Finland before that... Well, it was a thing of curiosity, I mean it was allowed to do stuff like Pekka ja pätkä neekereinä haha - because in a way Finns were in fact quite tolerant and curious towards other people, albeit naive

..Curious towards others- yeah! Late 90s(or very early `00) I had a rare change to "date" couple times female savage from African horn. There are a only few things I regret in my life. This is one of them. To cut a long story short: I knew she was circumcised (!) single mother of 4 kids. Muslim. I had a change to bang that black mutilated cunt but I chickened out as I started to get death threats from her kids. What a bunch of racist little niggers. All I wanted to give a warm welcome to Finland hug to their mom. hah!


Quote from: XE on June 08, 2011, 11:26:28 PM
..Curious towards others- yeah! Late 90s(or very early `00) I had a rare change to "date" couple times female savage from African horn. There are a only few things I regret in my life. This is one of them. To cut a long story short: I knew she was circumcised (!) single mother of 4 kids. Muslim. I had a change to bang that black mutilated cunt but I chickened out as I started to get death threats from her kids. What a bunch of racist little niggers. All I wanted to give a warm welcome to Finland hug to their mom. hah!

standing ovation
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standing ovation

yes !

i don't share Pasi's interest in other cultures, at the most i'd prefer mass japanese girls immigration


That was absolutely beautiful story.


Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on May 27, 2011, 08:02:53 PM
I mean, there are poor people all around, but what is the treatment of for example women or children varies greatly.
And there's a HUGE difference being poor in a place like Romania, Pakistan or somesuch, and being "poor" in Finland. Most native Finnish "poor people" have apartments, cars etc. Being homeless is more or less a choice here.

Quote from: MT on May 29, 2011, 09:21:40 AM
Todays refugee policy is here truly outragerous and destroying this country (Finland) little by little. The big diffrence to refugees/immigrants in old times was that there was no system of blindly caressing hippie group that will wipe your ass for you. You had to work hard and take a lot of racist abuse and even physical violence to earn your position in society. Once you had some kind of a proof that you are more than a no good parasite, people might slowly start to accept.

Nah, social welfare worked the way it works now in the 80´s/90's too. There were just less refugees coming here back then. As Jaakko said, they were met more with curiosity than anything else. An older friend of mine once told that his friends called him on the phone, very enthusiastically "Quick, come to the local kiosk, there's A REAL NEGRO HERE!" I think this was sometime in the 70's, in a small Finnish "city".

Quote from: MT on May 29, 2011, 09:21:40 AMBut even this does not remove the main problem of refugees, that they should also leave this country after certain period of time. I assume they are not supposed to come here to stay. This is why I reject big time integrating them too much to our society and most of all giving them citizenships.
I think quite many of them leave after seeing a winter. They have better places to go to.

Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on May 29, 2011, 11:03:06 AM
It's always exaggeration. If you look at the so called real problems in society, I would tend to think they relate to higher political level than few immigrants. If we look at the financial damage - and the results it causes, one simply could look at highest level of political decisions. I would recommend anyone to check out for example ongoing tax law process. What is the responses media has been able to get from already proven corrupted politicians making decisions that doesn't seem to make any sense. At the same time talk about few nickels that few immigrants may get, is drop in the ocean when compared to utmost ass-rape and theft committed by leaders and businesses they are closely related.
AMEN. The amount of money thrown out the window in "governing"...I shudder to think.
Not to mention the governement supporting ridiculous postmodern activities like ski-jumping.


instagram: @ANTICITIZEN
telegram for updated list: https://t.me/+03nSMe2c6AFmMTk0

Jaakko V.

So, what ever happened to Prussian Blue you wonder?

Here's what: http://www.thedaily.com/page/2011/07/17/071711-news-nazi-twins-1-6/

Heh heh.

Quote"Pot has also helped the twins rekindle the creative impulses they once channeled into their music. They've both taken up painting — astrological themes, mostly — and Lynx restores furniture."