It's always exaggeration. If you look at the so called real problems in society, I would tend to think they relate to higher political level than few immigrants. If we look at the financial damage - and the results it causes, one simply could look at highest level of political decisions. I would recommend anyone to check out for example ongoing tax law process. What is the responses media has been able to get from already proven corrupted politicians making decisions that doesn't seem to make any sense. At the same time talk about few nickels that few immigrants may get, is drop in the ocean when compared to utmost ass-rape and theft committed by leaders and businesses they are closely related.
So in a way, I see the logic blaming any anti-immigrant argument to be based on racism, and perhaps also could admit it is so. It may be attempted to intellectualize or prove to be something else, but most certainly in moment when you rather see funds used to preserving norppa than preserving negroe, it perhaps exposes certain style how you value things.
However, discussions of this kind of matters should not be taken utmost hysterical seriousness. I think the "internet total war" and power electronics/industrial-noise has many things in common: Sodan© kauneus ei siis perustu ensisijaisesti rivouksien latelemiseen. Kauneus on konfliktissa, joka syntyy, kun kaksi täysin eri säännöillä toimivaa maailmankaikkeutta internetin ansiosta on jatkuvassa kosketuksessa, ja kummankin maailmankaikkeuden edustajat kuvittelevat maailmankaikkeuksia olevan vain yksi. Jälkimmäisen tosiasian vuoksi asianosaiset eivät pääsääntöisesti näe tilanteessa mitään hauskaa. Pöntiskoskien näkökulmasta internetissä riehuu kaoottinen ja holtiton törkyturpa Lehto. Lehdon näkökulmasta Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajiin, ja kaikkiin muihinkin paikkoihin, on pesiytynyt laskematon määrä ryssäläismielisiä komurunkkuja, jotka eivät ymmärrä yksinkertaisia asioita. Valistunut lukija on siunatussa asemassa, koska hän voi seurata konfliktia kärpäsenä katossa, tietoisena siitä, että kaksi ulottuvuutta sotii keskenään, sekä siitä, että kumpikin ulottuvuus luulee olevansa ainoa.
I think the whole thing could be modified to be text about nature of power electronics. One can't fully support idea that for example Filth & Violence or Freak Animal would be simply equivalent of the master Seppo Lehto for example, but there is certain similarities in the works. Even within underground "scene", it is the collision where two universums meet. I guess this full text above should be translated and modified for purpose to see something about "noise"...