Melun Maa / Land of Noise (Finnish noise documentary)

Started by Kuollutmato, July 17, 2024, 02:37:38 PM

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Quote from: Commander15 on July 23, 2024, 08:58:10 AMSome of the critiscism that was made in this certain Finnish forum seemed like that it has this overtly negative "väärin tehty"-mindset or even negative bias towards noise in general. But it is what is!

Oh dear. Let me guess: you wade through 5 pages of garbage to find one post that's actually on topic and contributes something?


Quote from: Atrophist on July 23, 2024, 06:55:10 PM
Quote from: Commander15 on July 23, 2024, 08:58:10 AMSome of the critiscism that was made in this certain Finnish forum seemed like that it has this overtly negative "väärin tehty"-mindset or even negative bias towards noise in general. But it is what is!

Oh dear. Let me guess: you wade through 5 pages of garbage to find one post that's actually on topic and contributes something?

Well besides the tired "shit eating nazi" kind of jokes and nearly zero on-topic messages there was maybe two or three messages that made some sense at all.


Quote from: Commander15 on July 23, 2024, 08:43:41 PM
Quote from: Atrophist on July 23, 2024, 06:55:10 PM
Quote from: Commander15 on July 23, 2024, 08:58:10 AMSome of the critiscism that was made in this certain Finnish forum seemed like that it has this overtly negative "väärin tehty"-mindset or even negative bias towards noise in general. But it is what is!

Oh dear. Let me guess: you wade through 5 pages of garbage to find one post that's actually on topic and contributes something?

Well besides the tired "shit eating nazi" kind of jokes and nearly zero on-topic messages there was maybe two or three messages that made some sense at all.

And in the end everyone is baffled by "How come in 2024 only MEN are talking about noise?!" The question could be interesting, but the baseline is that females should be put forefront, even though there hardly is anyone. The only prominent female figure that comes to my mind, is/was M.V of Kovana. But I'm not sure if she's involved with noise anymore after Kovana ended? She was a great performer with strong stage presence.


I am sure this particular finnish forum often presents just fine questions related to noise, that could be interesting to discuss. It just usually won't happen over there.

Like question of lack of female presence in documentary, not sure if it is particularly good question, but it is something that can be asked, and would be very easy to answer as well. If documentary is about things that actually exists and has happened in context of theme of the document (real deal noise, not experimental sound, performance art, etc)... Then that's that.

I think the absolute core idea, that can be found from documentary as well as SI interview with director, is that it is all up to just doing it.

As encouragement, I am sure director could give even exact details what was being used. What I could mention from technical aspects, almost all live footage is smartphone videos. They are pretty damn good in quality. At least good enough for DIY documentary. Part of the interviews are that too. Software used to edit the video is free for anyone to download. If you got half decent phone, you don't need even computer. You can download something like capcut or anything like it, and you're pretty much ready to go. For advanced and higher aiming documentarists, one might want to look into lavalier mic and avoid the loud hollow room echos and distance quiet interview sound. That's like 30 euro investment and you get the broadcast quality sound.
Knowing that this is it, makes question interesting. Next step is merely the thing that is both blessing but also curse of DIY: One has to actually do it. No money needed really, just prioritizing what you spend your time with. Almost everybody has technology accessible. Also free instant distribution is just matter of signing up to video streaming service. Melun Maa should work as encouragement that (theoretically) anyone can do it.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com

n a a r a

Congrats Kuollutmato for making this documentary! I have not seen it yet because I want to watch it together with my partner and with proper speakers. I cannot speak about the quality of the film but I sure know it is a pioneer work that documents a special moment in Finnish DIY music and encourages others to make films about noise.


Excellent documentary. Had a chance to watch today and thoroughly enjoyed it!


I watched the documentary a couple of days ago.
Very nice, interesting discussions with a DIY touch that fits perfectly with the genre.
When I watch a documentary (or read a music book) I usually consider two things to understand if it works (at least for me):
  • did it make me want to listen to the mentioned bands?
  • did it give me the idea of doing something similar?
In this case the answer is yes to both questions.