Using social media (as artists/label or as follower)

Started by FreakAnimalFinland, July 25, 2024, 09:42:21 AM

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Quote from: xdementia on August 09, 2024, 12:21:20 AM
Quote from: Balor/SS1535 on July 26, 2024, 01:00:16 AM
Quote from: BlackCavendish on July 25, 2024, 07:01:51 PM
Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on July 25, 2024, 09:42:21 AMAs a label and especially as magazine (SI that is), it gets little weird. It is odd, that still just about every month I get someone ordering all the back issues and people who are actually involved in the noise scene, saying they never heard of this type of zine existing. Of course, I don't insist nor expect people to know paper zine from other side of the planet, but since that is the case, it makes one wonder if account in something like IG is sort of mandatory, so that people have even small opportunity to randomly discover magazine or find articles/reviews at the website?

The problem with social networks is the inevitable "background noise", advertising, sponsored posts, etc.
As a user it is difficult to find something good, unless you are very strict in choosing your "friends"... also the algorithms don't help because they favor what brings money to the platform, not so much your interests.

However, as a fanzine publisher (at least in my experience), if you use thematic groups to promote new releases or have a network of people who share your news with others, you will probably find some new customers/curious people every once ina while. Especially if it's someone who does not follow the scene closely, or maybe is just a newcomer (maybe young) and does not spend time looking for forums or similar things from the "old internet".

There's also another problem: if you have a FB/IG page that remains dormant for too long, with no posts or whatsoever, when you publish something new the algorithm penalizes you, so it becomes a job to keep it active all the time. Is it worth it? That's the question

It's really amazing to hear that you have found success in advertising through groups.  It seems that a lot of Facebook groups for noise, industrial, and related genres just are not that good.  Noise Listening Now is great and seems to be well-moderated, as do a few band-specific ones (Coil and Current 93 come to mind).  Most others, however, just seem to be endless spam from people promoting their typically nothing-projects.

I've also found success in advertising on groups in Facebook. When I take the time to go through and spam all related FB groups I usually end up with a purchase or two. Still not as good as keeping and maintaining your own email list though. Social media is good but still pales in comparison to direct communication and/or in-person/live experience.

I'm MUCH MORE likely to buy something if I meet the artist at a show/in person.  I get that social media is, for many, the way to go, but it often feels low effort (even if it is actually difficult behind the scenes).