WTB/ISO/Looking For - Atrax Morgue/Prurient/Streicher tapes and misc

Started by mechanism_of_death, August 05, 2024, 04:16:02 PM

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Hey, looking to buy original atrax morgue/morder machine/kranivm/prurientt/grey wolves/streicher tapes and other items
Interested in the following -

Tapes :
Atrax Morgue -
Mechanic Asphyxia
New York Ripper
Closed Exit
Esthetik of a Corpse
Deadbag Box Set (both vhs box and cardboard)
In Search of Death
Black Slaughter
Collection In Formaldehyde
Homicidal Texture
Dead Body Love
195 Melrose Ave
Catch my Agony
All VHS tapes

Kranivm -
The Brighter Edge of Death
I - The Blood

Morder Machine -
Happy Birthdeath

Prurient -
Rubber Bullets
Golden Swastika
Women in the War
Shrimp Cresent
Devil in Broad Daylight
Colonialist Nature
Golden Chamber
Guide to Grooming
Stone Vagina
Penis Gag
Tylenol Murders

The Grey Wolves -
Division Tesco CD
Tesco Disco cd with GW and Con-Dom
Nothing Short of A Total War 2x tape

Death Squad -
Cutting myself just to feel something original 3 tape box

Streicher -
Legion St George tape
Hammerskins tape

And I'm also looking for old shirts from genocide organ/prurient/grey wolves and other noise acts. In large

My most wanted shirt is the Tylenol Murders Prurient long sleeve. Located in the US, message me if you have any of these items and are looking to sell!