Peter Sotos + Art Books, Records, Packing Plant Tapes

Started by murdermystery, August 23, 2024, 12:40:04 AM

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I'm open to offers on any of these. Used to sell regulary on eBay when it was possible so honestly not sure where these prices stand in a specialized market; I've been around & paying attention long enough to see prices rise and fall (and to regret selling my copy of Show Adult for way less than I should have). Love his work but, as I mentioned to someone else recently, I move too much & don't make enough money to keep these around.

Peter Sotos

Art Books -
ANTOINE D'AGATA - AGONIE - $50 (French edition)
GERHARD HALLSTATT - BLUTLEUCHTE - $130 (hardcover English edition)
JANE GOODALL - ARTAUD AN THE GNOSTIC DRAMA - $100 ('Momo Edition' Hardcover)
GUIDO CREPAX - THE STORY OF O - $60 (English language Eurotica Hardcover)
R.H. QUAYTMANN - SPINE - $200 (Signed)

LPs -
Masami Akita & John Duncan - The Black Album - $25
Hermann Nitsch - Akustisches Abreaktionsspiel - $21
Hermann Nitsch - Das Orgien Mysterien Theater (Musik Der 25. Aktion) - $25
Hermann Nitsch - Das 6-Tage-Spiel Des Orgien Mysterien Theaters (Picture Disc) - $70
Hermann Nitsch - Die Geburt Des Dionysos Christos VOD Boxset - $110
Carved Cross / Belzebuth Split - $20
Etant Donnes - Le Soilei, La Mer, Le Coeur et Les Etoiles - $25
Kostis Kilymis / Leif Elggren - If Other People Exist Then They Are Totally Sealed Secrets - $20
Joe Colley - No Way In - $38

Tapes -
Meatpacker - An Empty Vessel - $25
Sexuelle Kreuzigung - Mensturation of a Nun - $17
Negative Meditation - The Sincerity of a Hypocrite - $17
Degloving - The Mechanism of Wounding - $25
Interior One - Revenge Against Society - $38


Willing to go down a bit (but not much) on Sotos books if multiple are purchased.


Sort of funny, I was checking eBay and noticed some Sotos books had actually sold lately so listed these, and less than 24 hours after putting them up, I got an email that stated the following:

QuoteWe had to remove your listing because it didn't follow our Violence and violent criminals policy. Items or listings that promote or glorify violence or violent acts, or are associated with individuals who are notorious for committing violent acts are not allowed


Quote from: murdermystery on August 29, 2024, 08:31:28 PMSort of funny, I was checking eBay and noticed some Sotos books had actually sold lately so listed these, and less than 24 hours after putting them up, I got an email that stated the following:

QuoteWe had to remove your listing because it didn't follow our Violence and violent criminals policy. Items or listings that promote or glorify violence or violent acts, or are associated with individuals who are notorious for committing violent acts are not allowed

Is this a new policy?  Obviously tons of Sotos stuff has been sold there for a long time.


It's been in place for a while, as it happened to me formerly a year or two ago when I was selling my copy of Ingratitude. I thought maybe they had eased up a bit b/c when I checked recent completed sales you could fine copies of Kee MacFarland and Pure Filth, but alas, my listings got pulled.


Whilst I've yet to try it out myself, it seems like US/Canada sellers are more likely to get their listings pulled than UK sellers. I've seen people sort of get around the censorship by just listing "Sotos" or very barebones info in the auction titles, and I guess if you put more information in the description it'll still show up in search results when searching his name. Just got to be clever with SEO I guess.



Buy 2 or more Sotos titles together and take 15% off total cost


price drops. feel free to email mikekitchell [at] gmail to negotiate, as i can't figure out how to turn email notifications on for messages here


Bump. Added Maunz/Sotos book, a bunch of art books, and LPS & Tapes. Always happy to do package deal discounts.