SPECIAL INTERESTS #17 add reservations MARCH 2025!

Started by FreakAnimalFinland, March 06, 2025, 09:30:00 AM

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Same page size, same ad rates.

Material is ready, lay-out starting to be assembled. To get your ads in, reserve space and then send the as soon as possible and thing should be wrapped up and in print at end of march!

To make things simple, there are just two ad sizes. Full page or half page. Note that due design resons, ads have always white margins, not covering entire page. Remember while designing ad.

Check prices and technical details here, and contact via email to reserve space. All black & white.

One should consider that magazine sells over several years, and advertising things that will be valid for long duration may be best.


E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


This may be a bit off-topic, but are you considering reissuing out-of-print back issues in the future?
In physical or pdf form, or even in an anthology format grouping together maybe 3 issues or more?
I think people might be interested, at least me for sure. Thanks.


No plans at the moment. Files of the old zines do not really exist, since they were made with programs that no longer exist and scanning them from paper.. not sure if I have energy to do so. In theory, 5 first ones would make good book, 5 next ones too, except that issues 9 and 10 are still in print.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


Seconding that. It would be awesome to have a book format of SI 1-5. I had a couple early ones but lost them some time ago.


Quote from: FreakAnimalFinland on March 13, 2025, 02:13:44 PMNo plans at the moment. Files of the old zines do not really exist, since they were made with programs that no longer exist and scanning them from paper.. not sure if I have energy to do so. In theory, 5 first ones would make good book, 5 next ones too, except that issues 9 and 10 are still in print.

I understand. Guess I forget about past technology, and that means a lot of work for reissue. But if one day this should happen, the news would be more than welcome. Thanks for reply.


If it would be scanned, I would probably get it done so sharp that instead of A5, reissue could be done in larger "B5" size, as text of those old issues is so microscopic that enlargened edition would be actually good.
E-mail: fanimal +a+ cfprod,com
MAGAZINE: http://www.special-interests.net
LABEL / DISTRIBUTION: FREAK ANIMAL http://www.nhfastore.net


Con-Dom interview from SI #5 is still accessible on the inactive SI Tumblr blog.


I LOVE this interview. Especially the inclusion of the modified Desiderata poem (the centered text on page 13).

I would order an SI #1-5 archive book in a heartbeat.